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President Truman at a Baseball Game, Griffith Stadium

President Harry S. Truman attending a Washington Senators baseball game at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D. C. Standing in the front row behind the Presidential seal, from left to right: Bess Truman; Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley; President Truman, Fred Vinson. The first three men in the second row are (left to right) Admiral Robert Dennison, General Harry Vaughan, and Special Assistant Averell Harriman. All others are unidentified.

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran leaving the Supreme Court building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (third from the left) leaving the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. with Lieut. Col. Vernon A. Walters, Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas (second from the left), A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardala. From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran viewing the inside of the Supreme Court Building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (center of photo, holding hat) inspected the inside of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. He was accompanied by Lt. Col. Vernon A. Walters, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (to the left of Mossadegh), A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan. From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran on the steps of the Supreme Court Building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (second from right) on the steps of the Supreme Court Building in Washington D.C., he is joined by Lieutenant Colonel Vernon A. Walters, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (right), A. Seleh, and Dr. Ardalan (four of them pictured here). From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran admiring the outside of the Supreme Court Building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (right) discussing the architectural features of the Supreme Court Building with Lieut. Col. Vernon A. Walters, Justice William O. Douglas (second from right), A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan. From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."