Former President Harry S. Truman greets Pamela Hollingsworth in his office at the Truman Library. Pamela is the daughter of Truman Library employee Marlene Hollingsworth.
Former President Harry S. Truman (right) greets Pamela Hollingsworth in his office at the Truman Library. Pamela is the daughter of Truman Library employee Marlene Hollingsworth.
Former President Harry S. Truman greets Pamela Hollingsworth in his office at the Truman Library. Pamela is the daughter of Truman Library employee Marlene Hollingsworth.
From a collection of snapshots of the family of Press Secretary Charles Ross, this young girl is identified as Estie in Diecke, Missouri, 1925. She is seated on a dock with her feet in the water.
A girl receives a tuberculosis vaccine from a Danish Red Cross Worker. Photograph was used as part of the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund's international anti-tuberculosis campaign.
Photograph of Florence Griffin, later Mrs. Charles Ross, as a young girl. This photo shows her at Pemberton Hall with a group of young ladies. She is the lady on the far left, last row.
Former President Harry S. Truman greets Wayne C. Grover, third archivist of the United States, and his three daughters in Mr. Truman's office at the Truman Library. From left to right: Mr. Truman, Victoria Grover (back to camera), Jane Grover, Mary Esther Grover, and Wayne Grover.