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Fund raising

Dr. G. R. Tompkins, Harry S. Truman, and John Lund at fundraiser for Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman addresses those attending the auction for the future Truman Library. On the left is Dr. G. R. Tompkins, President of the Independence Lions Club. On the right is John Lund of the Chamber of Commerce. The fundraiser was held in the Independence Armory. From: Copied from original photographs loaned to the library by Harry Barth. Originals were returned to Mr. Barth.

Press conference Attended by Harry S. Truman and Hans Schwieger

An unknown person speaks at a press conference at Hotel Muehlebach in regard to a benefit performance for the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra, attended by Harry S. Truman (center) and Hans Schwieger (seated at right). Mr. Schwieger is the conductor of the orchestra. From a leather bound album of 29 photographs of the visit of Jack Benny to the Harry S. Truman Library, home, and his benefit performance with President Truman before the KC Philharmonic Orchestra. Photographs by E.M. "Barney" Barnard, Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri.

President Truman and Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson

President Harry S. Truman and a member of his cabinet, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson, matched five dollar bills this morning at the White House to see who would pay for the first sheet of the 39th Annual Christmas Seals of the National Tuberculosis Association. The Secretary was at one time engaged in tuberculosis control work and served as executive of the New Mexico Tuberculosis Association in 1919. President Truman lost the match. From: Beth Gore