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Fund raising

Labor leaders Carey, McDonald, and Reuther present checks to Basil O'Connor for Truman Library fund raising

At ceremonies at CIO headquarters, CIO President Walter Reuther, CIO Secretary-Treasurer James B. Carey and USA-CIO President David J. McDonald presented checks in the amount of $250,000 to Basil O'Connor, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc., to be used for construction of the Truman Library at Grandview, Missouri. The CIO contribution amounted to $150,000, and the gift of the Steelworkers Union was for $100,000. Left to right are: James B. Carey, Basil O'Connor, David J. McDonald, and Walter Reuther.

Former President Truman Shakes Hands with Daley and Stevenson

After disembarking from a United Airlines plane, the "Truman Library Special," for a fund-raising mission, former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (at right) and former Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson (third from left). The man on the extreme left is unidentified. The former Chief Executive will be taking the all-Chicago Committee for the Truman Library to Independence, Missouri, for an inspection tour of the building. From: Col. Jacob Arvey

Former President Truman is greeted at airport in Chicago by Mayor Daley and others

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, one of the many who welcomed Mr. Truman as he disembarked from the Convair plane that brought him, the "Truman Library Special," to Chicago, Illinois for a fund-raising mission. The former Chief Executive will be taking the all-Chicago Committee for the Harry S. Truman Library to Independence, Missouri, for an inspection tour of the building. Left to right are: Col.

Former President Truman waves his hat as he leaves the "Truman Library Special" plane in Chicago

Former President Harry S. Truman waves his hat as he disembarks from a Convair airplane, the "Truman Library Special," on a fund-raising mission in Chicago, Illinois. Behind him is an unidentified stewardess, and at the top of the stairs is Illinois Democratic National Committeeman, Col. Jacob Arvey. The other man is unidentified. Donor: Jake Arvey.

Harry S. and Bess Truman attend auction to raise funds for the future Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman and Bess Truman attend the auction at the Independence Armory to raise funds for the future Harry S. Truman Library. Mr. Truman is presented the gold plated shovel for the Library groundbreaking by Dr. G. R. Tompkins, President of the Independence Lions Club. From: Copied from original photographs loaned to the library by Harry Barth. Originals were returned to Mr. Barth.