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Fund raising

Fort Lewis, Washington Prepares for the Annual March of Dimes Campaign

Making plans for the annual Mother's March of Dimes are (L-R) Major General Louis W. Truman; Major General Earl C. Bergquist (Retired), Armed Forces Consultant for the National Foundation of the March of Dimes; Mrs. Edward S. Berry, Fort Lewis and Pierce County March of Dimes Executive Board Member and Mrs. James Law, Pierce County March of Dimes Secretary.

Louis W. Truman Presents a Donation for the Remann Hall Children's Fund

Judge Beril Johnson (right) Pierce County, Washington, Superior Court and Juvenile Court judge, accepts a check for the Remann Hall children's fund from Major General Louis W. Truman (left), 4th Infantry Division and Fort Lewis commander. The check represents the proceeds of the Military Police sponsored International Golf Day tournament at Fort Lewis, Washington.