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Former President Truman With Piano During Filming of Television Show

An autographed photo showing former President Harry S. Truman during the filming of the television show "Let's Take A Trip" at the Harry S. Truman Library. The Steinway grand piano is shown in the photo. Youngsters Jimmy Walsh and Joan Terrace are together with Sonny Fox (with his hand on his tie) and Tom Evans with his back to the camera (white hair). Others are unidentified.

Bess Truman at home

Former First Lady Bess Wallace Truman seated in a chair at the Truman home at 219 N. Delaware, Independence, Missouri, on the occasion of the 83rd birthday of Harry S. Truman. This is a photograph of an original photo with an autographed matte. The autograph on the matte reads: "For Georgia and Andy from Bess W. Truman." Georgia is Georgia Neese Clark Gray, former Treasurer of the United States during the Truman administration and Andy is her husband.

Photo of former President Truman and Governor Averell Harriman

Signed photo of former President Truman and Governor Averell Harriman, who were in attendance at the 22nd reunion of the Truman Special Investigating Committee in Washington. Both men are in formal attire. Harriman has signed the photo "To the "Boss" on the 22nd Anniversary of the Truman Committee with admiration and my affectionate regards. Averell Harriman June 1963". Donor: Averell Harriman

An autographed photo of President Truman and archivist J. R. Fuchs on the stairs of the unfinished Harry S. Truman Library

An autographed photo showing President Truman and archivist James R. Fuchs walking down the stairs to the lower level of the yet unfinished Harry S. Truman Library. This was taken during the filming of the television show "Let's Take A Trip."

Pvt. Thomas E. Carr in North Burma

A photo of Private Thomas E. Carr, moving supplies forward over the Ledo Road in North Burma on a mule. The photo is inscribed: "To Vice President Harry S. Truman. To show that Missouri 'Products' help build the Ledo Road. Regards and Best Wishes, Lewis A. Pick, Brig. Gen., U.S.A.". This photo was sent to Vice President Harry S. Truman by Lewis A. Pick through Congressman Mike Mansfield.