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Former President Harry S. Truman autographs a book for Fred D. Whitaker at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman autographs his book on the top of a new, 1962 Studebaker Avanti automobile parked in the Circle Drive near the north entrance of the Harry S. Truman Library. Watching him are visitors from the Studebaker dealership. Left to right are: Bob Johnson, Ken Travis, Tom Meyers (behind Truman), Fred D. Whitaker, and Harry Chill. From: Fred D. Whitaker.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Former Postmaster General James A. Farley

Former President Harry S. Truman (right) breakfasts with an old political crony, former Postmaster General James A. Farley at New York's Waldorf Astoria, February 4, 1956. Mr. Truman has been in New York for several days of active politicking and leaves for Boston later in the day for a major speech there. The picture is autographed: "To Hon Harry S. Truman(,) With sincere admiration(,) from his friend James A. Farley." Mr. Farley is now Chairman of the Board of the Coca-Cola Export Corporation. From: James A. Farley.

Portrait of Harry S. Truman

Portrait of Harry S. Truman (streak at top of image) attached to backing, with the following inscription on the backing: "Best wishes to Hal Oustolt (spelling in question) from his friend, Harry S. Truman, USS Mo." The original photograph was taken by Blackstone Studios, Inc., on April 29, 1945. See also 58-625 and 60-291-1, 11, and 12 (proofs only). Also similar to 77-2924. (Original in oversize file) From: Unknown - Found in old audiovisual area.