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Armed forces officers

Truman, Byrnes, and Leahy touring Berlin

President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy (left to right in the rear seat of the car) inspect the ruins of Hitler's Chancellery in Berlin, Germany. President Truman is in Germany to attend the Potsdam Conference. Standing on President Truman's side of the car is Major General Harry Vaughan. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, Album #1."

The President looks at the docks at Antwerp

President Harry S. Truman and his party look at the docks at Antwerp as the U. S. S. Augusta prepares to dock. Seated are President Truman (left, with binoculars) and Press Secretary Charles Ross (right). Standing are, left to right: Major General Harry Vaughan; Captain James K. Vardaman; Secretary of State James Byrnes; and Admiral William D. Leahy. Truman is aboard the U. S. S. Augusta, traveling to the Potsdam Conference in Germany. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, Album #1."

Surrender of Japan Ceremonies Aboard the USS Missouri

Lieutenant General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko of the Soviet Union (seated) signs the Instrument of Surrender for Japan during ceremonies on board the USS Missouri. Standing in the foreground on the left is United States General Douglas MacArthur. All others are unidentified. From a scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters, U. S. Army Forces, Pacific, in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946.

President Truman Delivers the Closing Address at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco

President Harry S. Truman delivers a closing address at the United Nations Conference on International Organizations held at the San Francisco, California Opera House. After 9 weeks of study and debate, the charter for a world security organization was signed by 50 nation's representatives. Directly behind the President from left to right are unknown, Edward Stettinus, and Alger Hiss. In the back row are Harry Vaughan (left) and James Vardaman.

Senator Harry S. Truman met by several military men upon arrival in Washington D.C. after his election as Vice President

Following the arrival of Senator Harry S. Truman at National Airport in Washington D.C., the Vice President Elect is met by several military men in preparation for his trip into the Capital. See 97-2075, 76, and 77 and 97-2080 for more shots of his trip and arrival.