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Armed forces officers

President Truman signing proclamation for Army Air Force Day

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. Left-Right: General Jimmy Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

Lt. Frank Luke, The Phoenix, Arizona flier from World War I

Lt. Frank Luke, the Phoenix, Arizona flier who is running Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker a spirited race for the honor of being called the "ACE" of the American fliers overseas. His particular specialty is destroying German Observation balloons. Lt. Luke brought down three German observation balloons in thirty five minutes. Shortly after this he was brought down by a German anti-aircraft gun. Donor: Frank Freidel, who purchased the photographs from the National Archives.

American officers, including General John J. Pershing, with General Ferdinand Foch, at Lafayette's tomb laying wreath

American officers at Lafayette's tomb laying wreath. General John J. Pershing is third from the left; General Ferdinand Foch is at the right. Others are unidentified. Donor: Frank Freidel, who obtained these photographs from the National Archives.

At White House, General Dwight D. Eisenhower with President Truman

At the White House in Washington, D.C., General Dwight D. Eisenhower met with President Truman in a highly-secret conference on military affairs and the speed-up of Western European re-armament. The General said he has no presidential aspirations "just now." (Similar to 78-569). This is a 14" x 16" oversize photo on heavy card stock. From: Office of President Truman.