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Armed forces officers

Top officials of the National Military Establishment meet with James Forrestal in Key West, Florida

Top officials of the National Military Establishment attend a special meeting to discuss military problems with Secretary of Defense James Forrestal at the Naval Base, Key West, Florida. Shown, from left to right, are: Vice Admiral Arthur W. Radford, USN, Vice Chief of Naval Operations; Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, USN, Chief of Naval Operations; Major General Alfred M. Gruenther, USA, Director, Joint Staff; Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN, Chief of Staff to the President; W. J.

General Mark W. Clark departing for assignment as Commander-in-Chief, Far East Command

Departing from Mats Terminal, National Airport, for his new assignment as Commander-in-Chief, Far East Command, General Mark W. Clark (second from right) bids farewell to Deputy Secretary of Defense William C. Foster (left), Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. (2nd from left), and General J. Lawton Collins (right) Chief of Staff, U. S. Army.

Dedication of Plaque and Bust of James Forrestal at the Pentagon

Men representing the military services and Department of Defense are shown seated during a ceremony at the Pentagon to dedicate a plaque and bust of the late James Forrestal, former Secretary of the Defense. Among those seated are General Omar Bradley, third from the left, and Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, sixth from the left. The others are unidentified. (Similar to 97-1754).

General Omar Bradley and Frank Pace attend ceremonies at the Pentagon to honor the late James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense

Men representing the military services and Departments of Defense are shown seated during ceremonies at the Pentagon to honor the late James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense. A bronze bust of Forrestal and a marble panel in the Pentagon were dedicated to Forrestal. Among those seated are General Omar Bradley, third from the left, and Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army, sixth from the left.

President Truman signing a document

President Harry S. Truman sitting behind a desk is signing document of, "Promotion and Elimination of Officers in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corp." Standing, from left to right: Col. Joseph Knighton, Frank Schuyler, Commander D.L. Martineau, Captain S.S. Bowling, Rear Admiral Thomas L. Sprague, Brigadier General J.E. Dahlquist, Lieutenant Colonel G.E. Baya, Brigadier General J.E. Upston, and Colonel F.H. Miller.

President Truman signing Army - Air Force proclamation

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. L-R: General James H. Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; W. Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

President Truman signing a proclamation for Army Air Force Day

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. L-R: General James H. Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; W. Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.