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Armed forces officers

Secretary Frank Pace with United States Army Commanders

Army Commanders in the United States and certain overseas Commanders meet with Secretary of the Army Frank Pace and General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff in the Pentagon in routine sessions. Seated, from left to right: Lieutenant General Charles L. Bolte; Lieutenant General Edward H. Brooks; Lieutenant General Willis D. Crittenberger; General Collins; Secretary Pace; Lieutenant General John R. Hodge; Lieutenant General Henry S. Aurand; Lieutenant General Joseph M. Swing; Lieutenant General William M. Hoge. Standing, from left to right: Major General Edwin K.

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, his Wife, and General Estillac Leal Attending Reception at Fort McNair

Brazilian Major General Newton Estillac Leal (third from left) greets guests at a reception held in his honor at the Officers' Club at Fort McNair. Also present is Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (fourth from left) and his wife, Margaret (left, mostly obscured by unidentified woman in hat). All other men and women are unidentified.