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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Watches a Drum and Bugle Corps

President Harry S. Truman watches a Drum and Bugle Corps during the noon meal formation in front of Bancroft Hall during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. President Truman is located in the center of the picture on the steps, in front of a light pole. Also present is Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (third from right of President Truman), General Harry Vaughan (behind Forrestal, mostly obscured), Admiral William Leahy (fifth from President Truman), and Press Secretary Charles Ross (next to Admiral Leahy). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Reviews a Brigade with Naval Officers

President Harry S. Truman reviews a Brigade of Midshipmen with Naval officers during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Front row (left to right): Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy; and President Truman. Second row (left to right): Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide; Captain James H. Foskett, Presidential Military Aid; and Captain Jesse R. Wallace, Chief of Staff, Severn River Naval Command. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman with Others Aboard the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman arrives at the Santee Dock of the United States Naval Academy on the USS Williamsburg with others. From left to right: Brigadier General Wallace Graham; Captain James Foskett, Presidential Naval Aide; Mr. Edwin Locke; Presidential Press Secretary Mr. Charles Ross; President Truman; and Major General Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Reviews Brigade During Visit to the Naval Academy

President Harry S. Truman reviews a Brigade during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Front row (left to right): Midshipman J. D. Langston, Brigade Captain; Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy, and President Truman. Second row (left to right): Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide; Captain James H. Foskett (partially obscured), Presidential Military Aid; and Captain Jesse R. Wallace, Chief of Staff, Severn River Naval Command. All others are unidentified.