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Armed forces officers

Captain James Foskett Heaves a Ring to Mr. Clark Clifford

Captain James Foskett throws a rope ring towards Clark Clifford during an improvised game of volleyball on board President Harry S. Truman's yacht USS Williamsburg. They are on the yacht with President Truman on a vacation cruise. From left to right: two unidentified men (seated, partly cut off), Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder (along wall), Clark Clifford (foreground, back to camera), Captain Foskett, Major General Harry Vaughan. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

Ted Marks Referees One of the Volleyball Games on the USS Williamsburg

Ted Marks, friend of President Harry S. Truman, acts as a referee during a volleyball game among President Truman's guests on board the USS Williamsburg for a vacation cruise. Seated at the top, from left to right: William Hassett, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, John Steelman, and George Allen. Standing below, from left to right: unidentified (possibly Captain James Foskett), unidentified (possibly Major General Harry Vaughan), Ted Marks (standing on rail, back to camera), unidentified (possibly Colonel Wallace Graham), and Clark Clifford.

Robert Hannegan, Clark Clifford, and Colonel Wallace Graham Pause from Swimming

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation cruise party are taking a break from swimming off of the presidential yacht, the USS Williamsburg. From left to right: Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, Colonel Wallace Graham, and Special Counsel Clark Clifford. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

President Harry S. Truman and Others on the Flying Bridge, USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman and other members of his vacation party are standing on the flying bridge of the USS Williamsburg, looking out at the ships in the distance. They are returning from a vacation trip to Bermuda. From left to right: Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, President Truman, George Allen, and Major General Harry Vaughan. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

President Harry S. Truman and Party Aboard the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman is chatting with several members of his vacation party who have just boarded the presidential yacht, the USS Williamsburg. From left to right: Colonel Wallace Graham (far left, in swim trunks); Reconstruction Finance Corporation Director George Allen (behind Graham, mostly obscured by Truman), President Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Ted Marks, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan (back to camera), Press Secretary Charles Ross, Correspondence Secretary William Hassett, and Major General Harry Vaughan.

President Harry S. Truman and Governor Mon Wallgren in Olympia, Washington

President Harry S. Truman (first row, left) and Washington Governor Mon Wallgren (first row, right) are walking down the steps of the State Capitol building in Olympia, Washington. Also present is Secret Service agent George Drescher (far left), Senator Warren Magnuson (second row, second from left), Major General Harry Vaughan (partly obscured by President Truman), Press Secretary Charles Ross (in the back, visible between Truman and Wallgren), and Secret Service agent John Walker (behind Wallgren). Secret Service agent Jerry Behn stands at far left in background.