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Armed forces officers

Clark Clifford and Others Playing Volleyball on Board the USS Williamsburg

Clark Clifford questions a call while playing volleyball on board President Harry S. Truman's yacht, the USS Williamsburg. Clifford and others joined President Truman on the yacht for a vacation cruise. From left to right: unidentified (close foreground, back to camera), Clark Clifford, Ted Marks, and Major General Harry Vaughan. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

General Harry Vaughan Waits to Receive a Ring

General Harry Vaughan waits to receive a rope ring during an improvised game of volleyball on board President Harry S. Truman's yacht USS Williamsburg. He and the others on board joined President Truman for a vacation cruise. From left to right: Clark Clifford, Ted Marks, John Steelman (seated along wall), unidentified, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder (standing along wall), and Major General Harry Vaughan. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

President Harry S. Truman is Elected to Call Close Decisions in the Game

President Harry S. Truman watches members of his staff play volleyball while they are on a vacation cruise on President Truman's yacht USS Williamsburg. Standing above, from left to right: George Allen, President Truman, and Postmaster General Robert Hannegan. Below, from left to right: unidentified (standing, partly obscured), two unidentified (seated), Press Secretary Charles Ross, unidentified, Colonel Wallace Graham, John Steelman, and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."

President Truman Standing in Front of the American Vice Consul to Bermuda's Home

President Harry S. Truman is standing in front of the home of the Vice Consul of the United States to Bermuda, Clay Merrell, during his vacation cruise to the island. From left to right: General Harry H. Vaughan, Mrs. Clay Merrell, Mr. Jones, President Truman, Mr. Richie, Mrs. Jones, Clay Merrell, and Captain James H. Foskett.

Colonel Wallace Graham Tosses a Rope Gromet

Colonel Wallace Graham tosses a rope grommet as he and others play an improvised game of volleyball on board President Harry S. Truman's yacht the USS Williamsburg. Colonel Graham and others joined President Truman on the yacht for a vacation cruise. President Truman can be seen standing above on the right, with binoculars around his neck, watching the game. Others are unidentified. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."