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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Returns to the United States After the Potsdam Conference

President Harry S. Truman and members of his party aboard the USS Augusta as the ship entered Chesapeake Bay, returning President Truman from the Potsdam Conference in Germany. Fourth from left is ship's clerk Edwin L. Hoying; Captain James Vardaman is sixth from the left (in dark uniform); to his left is Press Secretary Charles Ross; to his left is Secretary of State James Byrnes; to his left is President Truman; and to his left is Admiral William Leahy. Lieutenant George Elsey is the tall person two rows behind President Truman.

President Harry S. Truman and Others Attending an Entertainment on the USS Augusta

President Harry S. Truman and members of his party watching a "jitterbugger" at an entertainment provided by the crew of the U. S. S. Augusta. President Truman is returning home from the Potsdam Conference. From left to right: unidentified, unidentified, President Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Admiral William Leahy, Captain James Vardaman, Major General Harry Vaughan, unidentified, and Press Secretary Charles Ross. From the album President's trip to the Berlin Conference, vol. 2 of 2.

Ambassador John G. Winant Comes Aboard the USS Augusta

United States Ambassador to Great Britain John G. Winant (standing on steps) and an unidentified United States Army officer are preparing to board the USS Augusta to meet with President Harry S. Truman. They visited President Truman on board the ship as he was returning to the United States from the Potsdam Conference. All others are unidentified. From the album President's trip to the Berlin Conference, vol. 2 of 2 From the album President's trip to the Berlin Conference, vol. 2 of 2.

Ambassador John Winant Comes Aboard to Call on the President

United States Ambassador to Great Britain John G. Winant (left) and an unidentified United States Army officer are preparing to board the USS Augusta to meet with President Harry S. Truman. They visited President Truman on board the ship as he was returning to the United States from the Potsdam Conference. From the album President's trip to the Berlin Conference, vol. 2 of 2

Members of President Harry S. Truman's Vacation Party Display the Day's Catch

A few members of President Harry S. Truman's fishing party displays the fish they caught during a vacation fishing expedition in Bermuda. From right to left: Colonel Wallace Graham, Reconstruction Finance Corporation President George Allen, Ted Marks, and Clark Clifford. They are on board President Truman's yacht, the USS Williamsburg. From the album "Vacation cruise with the President" Volume 3 of 4.

President Harry S. Truman and Members of His Vacation Party Aboard the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman poses with several of the guests who attended his farewell reception aboard the USS Williamsburg, following a trip to Bermuda. From left to right: Press Secretary Charles G. Ross, General Harry H. Vaughan, Ted Marks, Clark Clifford, President Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Reconstruction Finance Corporation President George Allen, Colonel Wallace Graham, and Captain James H. Foskett. From the album "Vacation cruise with the President" Volume 3 of 4.