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Armed forces officers

President Truman Walks with 35th Division in Omaha Parade

President Harry S. Truman, with his hat removed, walks at the head of the 35th Division parade during the Division Reunion gathering in Omaha, Nebraska. Also present are Frank Spina (extreme left, with head turned back to the President), Ed McKim (walking slightly behind Truman with his arm outstretched), General Harry Vaughan (behind McKim), Admiral Robert Dennison (second row, right), and General Wallace Graham (third row, right). All others are unidentified.

Members of the President's Party Playing Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. Team "A" was: Mr. R. R. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander William Rigdon, Mr. Dick Flohr, Lieutenant Commander E. P. Roberts, General Harry Vaughn, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Mr. Gerald Behn. On the "B" team was: Henry Nicholson, W. Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Allan McCann, M.S. Mileski and M.L. Gies. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Presidential Staff Play Beach Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. Team "A" consisted of: Mr. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander Roberts, General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Jerry Behn. Team "B" consisted of Henry Nicholson, Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mr. McCann, Mr. Mileski and Mr. Gies. The "A" team won two straight games. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Presidential Staff Playing Beach Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. On team "A": Mr. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander Roberts, General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Mr. Behn, took two straight games from team "B": Henry Nicholson, Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mr. McCann, Mr. Mileski, and Mr. Gies. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

The President and Staff at Truman Beach

President Harry S. Truman and his staff spend a little time at Truman Beach while on vacation in Key West, Florida. From left to right: General Harry Vaughan (wearing sunglasses), General Wallace Graham, President Truman, Averell Harriman, George Elsey, Admiral Robert Dennison, and Charles Murphy (back to camera near lower left corner). From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4X5 negative.

President Harry S. Truman on a Morning Walk on the Beach

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party take a walk on Truman Beach in Key West, Florida. From left to right: President Harry S. Truman; Colonel Cornelius J. Mara; Captain C.C. Adell; General Wallace Graham; Jerry McCann, Secret Service; W. Averell Harriman; H. J. Nicholson, Secret Service; Irving Perlmeter; William Rigdon; George Elsey; Milton Milski, Secret Service. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.