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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Eats Lunch with Governors

President Harry S. Truman sits at lunch with governors from seven states before a conference on flood conditions. From left to right, they are Governor Norman Brunsdale, North Dakota; Governor William Beardsley, Iowa; Governor Adlai Stevenson, Illinois; General Curtis LeMay of the Air Force; President Truman; Governor Val Peterson, Nebraska; Governor Sigurd Anderson, South Dakota; Governor Elmer Anderson, Minnesota; and Governor Walter Kohler, Wisconsin.

President Harry S. Truman Visits World War II Memorial Park in Omaha

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, left) attends the dedication ceremony for the World War II Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska. Standing behind him, mostly obscured, is Mayor of Omaha Glenn Cunningham. Standing behind and to the right of President Truman, saluting, are Rear Admiral Robert Dennison and General Robert Landry. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Walks with 35th Division in Omaha Parade

President Harry S. Truman walks at the head of the 35th Division during their reunion parade in Omaha, Nebraska. He is in the white suit and armband, holding his hat. Walking beside him is his fellow member from Battery D during World War II, Frank Spina. The military officers walking behind President Truman are, from left to right: Rear Admiral Robert Dennison, General Robert Landry, and General Wallace Graham. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Walking in 35th Division Parade

President Harry S. Truman walks at the head of the 35th Division Reunion parade in Omaha, Nebraska. President Truman is wearing a white suit and an armband. Walking next to President Truman and carrying the banner is fellow Battery D member Frank Spina. Walking behind President Truman are, from left to right: unidentified officer; Major General Harry Vaughan; unidentified civilian; Rear Admiral Robert Dennison; General Robert Landry; General Wallace Graham (partly obscured by Mr. Truman's hat). All others are unidentified.