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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Greets President Romulo Gallegos

President Harry S. Truman (at podium, right) greets President Romulo Gallegos (at podium, left) of the United States of Venezuela upon his arrival at Washington National Airport. Standing behind the podium are Captain Robert Dennison (in white) and General Harry Vaughan (beside Dennison). Photographers (right) take pictures of President Gallegos as he addresses the reporters. Behind them is the presidential plane, the Independence. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Holds Press Conference

President Harry S. Truman (center, standing) holds a press conference while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Seated on the far left, next to the sailor taking notes, is White House Press Secretary Charles Ross. Standing in the background are, from left to right: Stanley Woodward, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mon Wallgren, Admiral William Leahy, General Robert Landry, Stuart Symington, Clark Clifford, and David Niles. All others are unidentified.