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Armed forces officers

President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador Arrives at Albrook Air Force Base, Panama

President Galo Plaza Lasso (left) of Ecuador arrives at Albrook Air Force Base in Panama en route to the United States for an official visit. Here is seen greeted by Brigadier General Emil Kiel, Commanding General of the Caribbean Air Command. Fifth from the left is General Robert Landry. All others in photograph are unidentified. In the background is President Harry S. Truman's airplane, the Independence.

President Harry S. Truman attends Picnic at Fort Jefferson

President Harry S. Truman attends a picnic at Fort Jefferson. He visited Fort Jefferson during his vacation trip to Key West, Florida. Far left: Press Secretary Joseph Short, unidentified (mostly obscured by tree), Administrative Assistant David Stowe, General Harry Vaughan, President Harry S. Truman, and Lieutenant Commander Leo Roberts. Others are unidentified.

General Robert Landry, Brigadier General Emil Kiel, and President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador

From left to right, General Robert Landry, Brigadier General Emil Kiel, Commanding General of the Caribbean Air Command, and President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador at Albrook Air Force Base, Canal Zone for an unscheduled layover due to engine trouble of the Independence. Others in the background are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman in St. Paul, Minnesota

President Harry S. Truman visits the Hotel Lowry in St. Paul, Minnesota for the Truman Day Dinner. From left: General Robert Landry, Secret Service Agent James Rowley, President Truman, General Harry Vaughan, Admiral Robert Dennison, and General Wallace Graham. Behind General Vaughan is Press Secretary Charles Ross. Behind Ross and General Graham is Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly. All others are unidentified.