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Armed forces officers

Truman Vacation Party at the Beach at Key West, Florida

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party relax on Truman Beach during a visit to Key West, Florida. Those that can be identified include Press Secretary Joseph Short (standing, third from left); John Steelman (seated, left); Stanley Woodward (sixth from left, standing behind wall); General Wallace Graham (seated, center, back to camera); and Admiral Robert Dennison (third from right, seated). All others are unidentified.

Members of President Harry S. Truman Vacation Party Fish

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party pose for a photo with the fish they caught during their fishing trip off of Key West, Florida. From left to right: Colonel Francis Williams, Plane Commander of the Independence; Lieutenant Colonel Elmer Smith, First Pilot of the Independence; and William Hassett, Correspondence Secretary; unidentified man; and Horace D. Warden.

President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador Leaves Albrook Air Force Base

President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador Leaves Albrook Air Force Base in Panama aboard Constellation 8608 headed towards the United States for his official visit. From left: Brigadier General Emil Kiel, Lieutenant General William Morris, President Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador, U.S. Ambassador to Ecuador Paul Daniels, and Ecuadorian Ambassador to Panama Sixto E. Duran-Ballen.

President Harry S. Truman Relaxing at the Beach in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman is relaxing on the beach in Key West, Florida, during his vacation trip. From left to right: General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, President Truman, Special Assistant to the President W. Averell Harriman, Administrative Assistant George Elsey, and Admiral Robert Dennison. The two men with their backs to the camera are unidentified.

Men on the Beach at Key West, Florida

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party relax on Truman Beach at Key West, Florida. Among those that can be identified are Eddie Jacobson (seated in shirt and slacks, left); John Steelman (standing, fourth from left, near post); Admiral Robert Dennison (standing, fifth from left, in dark sunglasses); Stanley Woodward (standing on opposite side of wall, in striped swim trunks); General Harry Vaughan (seated in from of Woodward, holding papers); and David Lloyd (seated, right). All others are unidentified.