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President Harry S. Truman opened the 1947 baseball season in Washington, D.C

President Harry S. Truman officially opened the 1947 baseball season in Washington, D.C. The President crossed up the stadium announcer by throwing the ball right-handed after he was introduced as the "Nation's Number One Southpaw." Left to right are: President Truman, Clark Griffith (owner of the Washington Senators), Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Ossie Bluege (Manager of the Washington Senators) and Stanley "Bucky" Harris (Manager of the New York Yankees). Donor: Hennepin County Historical Society.

Ladies of the Senate at Business Meeting

Ladies of the Senate today held their first business meeting of the year, with Mrs. Alben Barkley becoming president of the group. She succeeds the late Mrs. Allen J. Ellender, wife of the Louisiana Senator. Shown Left to Right: Mrs. William F. Knowland, wife of Senator from California, Mrs. Styles Bridges, New Hampshire, Mrs. Alben W. Barkley, and Mrs. Millard E. Tydings of Maryland. From: Beth Gore.