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U.S. Navy

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman presents the Congressional Medal of Honor to United States Navy Lieutenant Richard Miles McCool, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. McCool, Sr., Norman, Oklahoma, who were present at the ceremony as well as Lieutenant McCool's wife. His award was presented for service as commanding officer of the USS LCS (Landing Craft Support) 122 during operations against Japanese forces in the Ryukyu Chain, June 10 and 11, 1945.

President Harry S. Truman Takes Honors

President Harry S. Truman takes honors as he returned ashore after watching the Cornell-Navy crew races. Truman stands at attention with his hat over his heart as Navy officers salute. Also present are Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan (second row, second from left), General Robert Landry (second row, fourth from left, partly obscured by President Truman), and Admiral Robert Dennison (second row, fifth from left). All others are unidentified.