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U.S. Navy

President Truman and Margaret walking

President Harry S. Truman and Margaret Truman on the way to the beach during a vacation in Key West, Florida, November 30, 1951. From left to right, in front: President Truman, Margaret, and Captain Cecil Adell. In back from left to right: unidentified Secret Service agent, General Harry Vaughan, Stanley Woodward, Commander Horace D. Warden, and Donald Dawson.

President Harry S. Truman, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and General George S. Patton

Everyone stands at attention at a flag-raising (Flag of Liberation) ceremony in Berlin, Germany. From left to right, General Dwight Eisenhower, General George Patton, and President Harry S. Truman. President Truman is in Germany to attend the Potsdam Conference. Standing behind President Truman is Captain James Vardaman, Truman's Naval Aide. All others are unidentified.

Portrait of Admiral Robert L. Dennison

Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy, 1923; Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, 1945-47; Commander of the U.S.S. Missouri, 1947-48; Naval Aide to President Harry S. Truman, 1948-53; Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Command, Commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, 1960-63. Printed outside border of photo: "Rear Admiral Robert Lee Dennison, U. S. N. January 1948 to January 1953".

Portrait of Frank Pace

Photograph of Frank Pace, Jr., taken in Yokosuka, Japan, on his tour of the Far East. He had been Special Assistant to the U.S. Attorney General, Taxation Division, 1946; Executive Assistant to the U.S. Postmaster General, 1946-1948; Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget, 1948-1949; Director, Bureau of the Budget, 1949-1950; and Secretary of the Army, 1950-1953.

Sailors Pose for a Group Photo at Shangri-La, Maryland

Sailors and officers assigned to Shangri-La pose for a group photo at the Navy Rest Camp in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. Front row, left to right: J.A. Hare, J.H. Sherwood, A.G. Neal, J.E. Reeves, R.W. Lyle, unidentified man in black shirt, Michael Zook, C.H. Kilgore, D.J. Lewis, F.J. Chard, J.B. Miller, D.E. Wilson; back row, left to right: L.L. Prichard, G.L. Anspach, J.D. Tasker, J.D. Pate, T.B. Boies, H.H. Violette, J.H. Stafford, R.F. Hutt, P. Farrell, W.J. Dombrowski, and T.E. Wiles. The Camp is also used as a presidential retreat. It has been renamed Camp David.