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Associated Press

President Harry S. Truman Displays Necktie Presented by Denver Teenagers

A fancy maroon necktie was presented to President Harry S. Truman by three Denver junior high school students during President Truman's visit to Denver today. Then they vanished in the crowd before a photographer could get their picture. The trio -- Robert Stark, 14; his sister Shirley, 12; and Bessie Chance, 14 -- told a reporter they bought the tie this morning. From: Houston Post.

President and Mrs. Truman after President Addresses Joint Session

President Harry S. Truman (right front), Mrs. Bess Truman, and cabinet members leave the Capitol today after the President addressed a Joint Session of the House and Senate. Left to Right: Front, Secretary of State George Marshall; Bess Truman; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; and the President. Back: Postmaster General Robert Hannegan; Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson; Attorney General Tom Clark; and Charles Ross, Press Secretary to the President. From: Houston Post.

President Truman Cautions Joint Session Against Inflation

Three-in-one photo of President Harry S. Truman, who speaks with emphasis (left), purses his lips (center), and drinks from a glass of water (right) as he addresses a Joint Session of the Senate and House. Asking for powers to fight inflation he cautioned: "If we fail to prepare and disaster results, we shall have gambled with our national safety and lost." From: Houston Post.