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Order Number 11: Which Side are You On?

Students will examine primary sources, both written and visual aids, in class to evaluate and create an opinion on General Thomas Ewing's Order No. 11 and determine the overall purpose of the order and create an argument as to whether or not it was justified, fair, and successful.
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Ordinary Citizens Create History

This lesson will allow students to participate in history within the context of an ordinary person (Margaret Hays) and then create history with the student becoming the primary source for events they are witnessing. Hopefully, the lesson will help build a connection to the past and encourage more participation in civic policy and interest in current events.
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Kansas: To Be Free or Not to Be, That is the Question

The lesson will be an individual assignment that will lead into group discussion. The lesson will be based on the reading of two primary sources (John Brown Speech to the Court and the Kansas Emigrant Song by J.G. Whittier) and completing a written document analysis worksheet on both. 
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Civil War Facebook

For this lesson, the student will create a mock Facebook page for a historical figure from Missouri during the Civil War time period.
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Evolution of Freedom of Speech

Cooperative Learning - groups of two will research and report back to class. Class draws conclusion(s) as a group.
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Problem Action Reaction for Bleeding Kansas

Students will learn cause and effect for the historical event of Bleeding Kansas.
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Visit a County in the Ozarks

Students will do online and offline research to determine the historical, cultural, and economic aspects of a county in the Ozarks.
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Lincoln and Executive Powers

Students will be looking at the executive role of President Lincoln during his terms as President. They will be grouped in pairs working through an internet site and answering questions as they go. They will look at primary sources as well as reading a
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Weapons of War

I want the students to grasp what the soldiers on both sides of the Civil War used to fight the war. As we continue on in history, we will compare these weapons to weapons used in WWI and WWII. Students will look into the technology of the war and gain an understanding of what a soldier had to use during a battle.
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Who Moves to Kansas? The Exoduster Migration

Students will use primary documents to determine the views and dreams of freedmen in the Exoduster migration to Kansas using a photo of an Exoduster family in NE, the Kansas Emigrant Song, and NARAs document analysis form.
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