Cooperative Learning – groups of two will research and report back to class. Class draws conclusion(s) as a group.
Review for final exam. Perspective going forward towards senior government class.
- Be able to trace the expansion of freedom of speech using specific events in US history
- Better understand the differing ideas of the term “treason”
- SS2 (Knowledge of Principles and Processes of Governance Systems) 1.6 & 3.6
Principles and purposes of government – majority rule and minority rights; constitution and civil rights
- SS3 (Knowledge of Continuity and Change in the history of Missouri and the US) 1.6 & 1.9
analyze the evolution of American democracy from Reconstruction to present
- SS3 (Knowledge of Continuity and Change in the history of Missouri and the US) 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, & 3.6 describe and evaluate the evolution of US domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to present
- Assigned textbooks
- Internet sources
- Teacher packet from Truman Library re: Youngstown case
- Needed - none
- Optional – NARA, Presidential Libraries as necessary, SC cases Douglas Linder’s site at UMKC: (
- Break students into groups of two. Assign them one of the following terms. They are to research and develop a brief oral explanation of the event (less than one minute); the partner is to explain how that event relates to either freedom of speech and/or treason (30 second max here). Give them 30 minutes or so to research in class. Homework to complete. Next day, take entire class period to give presentation. Have a recorder make notes on the board; background timeline is helpful here, as is color-coding. Teacher is to keep presentations focused on either freedom of speech or treason.
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Alien & Sedition Acts
- Burr Conspiracy of 1807
- Jackson’s Force Bill & Tariff of Abominations
- John Brown’s Trial for Harper’s Ferry raid
- Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus
- Booth conspiracy of 1865
- Schenck v. US and 1917 Espionage Act
- Eugene Debs jailing
- FDR’s Executive Order #9066 – Nissei internment
- Truman attempts to nationalize steel industry – Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co vs. Sawyer
- Rosenberg trial
- Pentagon Papers – New York Times Co v. US
- Vietnam anti-war protests
- Wikileaks – Julian Assange & PFC Bradley Manning
other possibilities include the Hartford Convention, Chicago 7 trial, etc.
- Easiest : grade oral presentations only. Basically, a full credit or no credit assignment. Allow students to read off of a note card if they are nervous.
- Optional: give extra credit for audience questions and/or correct answers given by presenter. In this case, give only a passing grade for basic presentation of facts and require both a question and/or an answer to someone else’s question for “A” grade. However, be aware that this will significantly lengthen the time of the activity, probably requiring an extra day.