Technological project: Photostory or Movie Maker. The student is to create a visual presentation that tells the historical facts of the Vietnam War. They are also to include in their presentation music that reflects the era of the war.
Famous Photographs of the Vietnam War: Images that Influenced Peoples' Opinions About the War
The primary objective for this activity is to provide a medium for students to explore the Vietnam War thorough a multitude of camera lenses and personal experiences.
I want to find a way for students to objectively analyze Presidential decisions for war in a way that will allow them to move away from political arguments and personal leanings.
The students will have a lecture and view some political cartoons and maps during the time period of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The students will participate in the Notebook activity at the end of the lesson.
Students will read the primary source document and then engage in a discussion answering the following questions: What type of document is it? When was it written? What was its purpose?
The Korean War through the Perspectives of Political Cartoons and Political Posters
To assist students in developing skills that will enable them to analyze political cartoons and political posters and develop an understanding of the different perspectives of the Korea War, students will analyze political cartoons and political posters.