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American History

George Washington's Farewell Address: Did the U.S. Take His Advice?

This activity incorporates the study of primary sources and cooperative learning.
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Conflicting Views of Point IV

After addressing a central question, students will analyze primary source documents to formulate their own opinion on the Point IV program.
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The United Nations; who they are and why they have your back; or do they?

Students will do individual exploratory research, using the internet and primary documents provided, which they will utilize in the group creation of a power point presentation over at least three accomplishments/events/activities
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U.S. Policy in Latin America throughout the Cold War

The students will read primary documents, participate in seminar discussions about the documents, and ultimately write a persuasive essay about their findings.
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Marshall Plan: Convince the American People

This lesson plan requires the classroom to be divided into proponents and opponents to the Marshall Plan.
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The Marshall Plan; What if it Happened Here?

Individual assignments using primary sources.
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Impact of New Deal programs on WWII

Technology based, individual or partner analysis of a primary source, or use as a station on an Interactive board if students are doing several different activities at the same time.
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Propaganda Techniques and Harry S. Truman's St. Louis 1948 Reelection Speech

This activity will involve analyzing various propaganda techniques in the address delivered by President Harry S. Truman at the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 30, 1948, during his reelection campaign.
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Problem, Action, Reaction - Cold War

Investigate other sources to determine Cause(s) and Effect(s) of various early Cold War events.
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The Marshall Plan through Political Cartoons

Students will examine the Marshall Plan through political cartoons of the era.
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