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American History

Truman and the Modern State of Israel

The development of the state of Israel
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Recognition of Israel

Geography, the rise of the Middle East, and the recognition of Israel.
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U.S. Foreign Policy

A broad overview of U.S. foreign policy from Truman to Bush 43.
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Comparing the Truman, Eisenhower, and Monroe Doctrines

A lesson focusing on foreign policy.
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The Marshall Plan from the Perspective Political Cartoons and Posters

Students will complete in-class and outside of class assignments using political cartoons, posters and documents.
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Realizing the Marshall Plan

Students will work in groups to analyze primary source documents to investigate the Marshall Plan was and its controversies.
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The Marshall Plan, Pros and Cons

Students will analyze the Marshall Plan (primary sources) and draw conclusions as to the pro and cons to the aid.
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The Korean War

To understand the Korean War and how it changed the Cold War.
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Hello, Mr. President

Analyze and compare the presidency of Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson.
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Why Support the Marshall Plan?

This lesson will help students focus on the needs of the world following World War II and will allow the students to use and understand the importance of political cartoons as a primary source.
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