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Weatherford, Robert P., 1911-2001

Dedication ceremony of the Harry S. Truman Library

Dedication ceremony of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence. Pictured left to right in front row: unidentified, Independence Mayor Robert P. Weatherford, unidentified, Sam Rayburn, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, former President Herbert Hoover, former President Truman, Basil O'Connor, unidentified at podium. from: Copied from photographs loaned to the Library by Mary Shaw Branton.

President Truman at banquet

President Harry S. Truman attending a luncheon in association with the dedication of the Liberty Bell replica given to Independence, MO, by the people of Annecy-le-Vieux, France. From left to right at the head table are Mary Jane Truman, Blevins Davis, President Truman, unidentified man (standing), Mayor Robert Weatherford (standing), and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder.

President Truman at Banquet

President Harry S. Truman attending a luncheon in association with the dedication of the Liberty Bell replica given to Independence, MO, by the people of Annecy-le-Vieux, France. From left to right at the head table are Blevins Davis, President Truman, unidentified man (standing), Mayor Robert Weatherford (standing), and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder.

President Truman at banquet

President Harry S. Truman attending a luncheon in association with the dedication of the Liberty Bell replica given to Independence, MO, by the people of Annecy-le-Vieux, France. From left to right at the head table are Mary Jane Truman, Blevins Davis, President Truman, unidentified man (standing), Mayor Robert Weatherford (standing), and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder.

India Edwards, Robert Weatherford, and Herbert Hoover at the Truman Library Dedication

Standing before a row of chairs set up in front of the new Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, a group of dignitaries gathers for the dedication ceremonies. Right to left are: India Edwards (former head of the Democratic Women's Committee), Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford, and former President Herbert Hoover. The others are unidentified. From: Truman Library Dedication.

Georgia Neese Clark, India Edwards, Robert Weatherford, and Herbert Hoover at the Truman Library Dedication

Standing before a row of chairs set up in front of the new Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, a group of dignitaries gathers for the dedication ceremonies. Right to left are: Georgia Neece Clark Gray, India Edwards, Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford, and former President Herbert Hoover. The others are unidentified. From: Truman Library Dedication

Robert T. Weatherford addressing the crowd at the Truman Library groundbreaking

Robert T. Weatherford, Mayor of Independence, Missouri, at the podium on the speakers' platform addresses the crowd gathered for groundbreaking ceremonies for the $1,750,000 Truman Library to be erected at Slover Park on grounds donated by the City of Independence, Missouri. (Cropped version of 59-579) From: Truman Library Dedication.