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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Eric A. Johnston, President Truman, and Stuart Symington go to Truman Beach

In the front row from left to right are: Eric Johnston, Economic Stabilization Administrator; President Harry S. Truman; and Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington. From left to right in the second row of walkers: General Harry Vaughn, David Stowe, and an unidentified military person. In the third row on the far left, smoking a cigarette, is Press Secretary Joseph Short. The men are walking to Truman Beach. Other men are in the back of photo. From: The Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Presidential Staff Taking a Moment on Truman Beach

Presidential staff relaxes on Truman Beach, Key West, Florida. President Truman is at the Little White House. From left to right: David Bell, Dr. Wallace Graham (with back to camera seated), General Harry Vaughn, Admiral Robert Dennison, Dr. John Steelman, and Harry Hopkins. From: The Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Rose Conway, Harry Vaughn and Others at the Greater Los Angeles Press Club Luncheon

Staff of President Harry S. Truman at the Greater Los Angeles Press Club luncheon. They accompanied the President on his western trip. Left to right, far side of table: General Robert Landry; the President's personal secretary Rose Conway; Clark Clifford; (around table counter clockwise) Press Secretary Charles Ross (partially obscured); two unidentified women; General Wallace Graham (the President's physician); General Harry Vaughan; and political associate Albert Chow. See also 66-757.

President Harry S. Truman Watches the Navy-Pennsylvania State University Football Game

President Harry S. Truman stands at attention while attending the football game between the United States Naval Academy and Pennsylvania State University held at Annapolis, Maryland. Standing in the front row from left to right are: Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal; Gwyneth (Mrs. Aubrey) Fitch; President Truman; Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy; Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to the President. Visible on the left just behind President Truman is Brigadier General Wallace Graham.

President Harry S. Truman Reviews a Brigade with Naval Officers

President Harry S. Truman reviews a Brigade of Midshipmen with Naval officers during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Front row, walking towards the camera (left to right): unidentified, Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy; and President Truman. Second row (left to right): Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide; Captain James H. Foskett, Presidential Military Aid; and Captain Jesse R. Wallace, Chief of Staff, Severn River Naval Command (mostly obscured). All others are unidentified.

President Truman's Staff Relaxing at Key West

Staff members who accompanied President Harry S. Truman to Key West, Florida, relax on the beach. From left to right: David Bell (seated), Dr. John Steelman (standing), Admiral Robert Dennison, Dr. Wallace Graham (seated), to the right (furthest in the back to front) Stanley Woodward, Russell Andrews, Joseph Short, Harry Vaughn, Charles Murphy, David Lloyd. From the Naval Photo center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4X5 negative.

Truman Staff on the Beach in Key West

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party relax on Truman Beach at Key West, Florida. Among those that can be identified are Eddie Jacobson (seated in shirt and slacks, left); John Steelman (standing fourth from left, near post); Admiral Robert Dennison (standing fifth from left, in dark sunglasses); Stanley Woodward (standing on opposite side of wall, in striped swim trunks); General Harry Vaughn (seated in front of Woodward, holding papers); and David Lloyd (seated right). All others are unidentified. See also 66-1149 and 66-1150.

Group Photo of the Presidential Party, Ninth Key West Trip

Group photo of the President Truman's Party. Similar to 66-1143, 66-1144, 77-2033, 77-2034, 67-2966, and 78-208 (color). Front row (from left to right): Richard Neustadt, Charles Mara, Joe Feeney, Philleo Nash, Irving Perlmeter. Center Row: John Steelman, Admiral William Leahy, President Harry S. Truman, Averell Harriman, Charles Murphy. Back Row: General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Matthew Connelly, William Hassett, Joseph Short, General Harry Vaughn, and General Wallace Graham. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives.