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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Colonel Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan Visit with Guatemalan President Juan Jose Arevalo

As part of the 75th Anniversary ceremonies held at military university Escuela Politecnica in Guatemala City, Guatemala, United States Colonel Robert Landry and General Harry Vaughan (forward facing) visit with Guatemalan President, His Excellency Senor Juan Jose Arevalo (left) and Colonel Bercian of the Guatemalan military. Others in the background are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Greets President Romulo Gallegos

President Harry S. Truman (at podium, right) greets President Romulo Gallegos (at podium, left) of the United States of Venezuela upon his arrival at Washington National Airport. Standing behind the podium are Captain Robert Dennison (in white) and General Harry Vaughan (beside Dennison). Photographers (right) take pictures of President Gallegos as he addresses the reporters. Behind them is the presidential plane, the Independence. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman at U.S. Naval Academy

President Harry S. Truman reviews the brigade of midshipmen as they pass into the Naval Academy chapel. Front row, left to right: Admiral William Leahy, President Truman, and Admiral James Holloway. Second row, left to right: Colonel Robert Landry and Captain Robert Dennison. Third row, left to right: Major General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, and two unidentified naval officers. Top row, left to right: Press Secretary Charles Ross, Clark Clifford, and unidentified naval officer. All others are unidentified.

The Presidential Party, Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman and members of his staff and vacation party pose for a photograph on the lawn of the Little White House, Key West, Florida. Front row (left to right), William Hassett, Vice President-Elect Alben Barkley, President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and John Steelman. Second row (left to right), Donald Dawson, Eben Ayers, General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, General Wallace Graham, Admiral Robert Dennison, William Bray and Jonathan Daniels.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses Crowd

President Harry S. Truman (at the podium) addresses a crowd at the San Juan, Puerto Rico Naval Air Station. Standing behind Truman, left to right, are: Colonel Robert B. Landry, Secretary of the Interior Julius A. Krug, Governor of Puerto Rico Jesus A. Pinero, President of the Puerto Rico Senate Luis Munoz Marin, Vice Admiral Daniel E. Barbey, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, and Captain Robert L. Dennison. All others are unidentified.