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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Blevins Davis speaking at the Memorial Building, Independence, Missouri

Liberty Bell dedication ceremony at the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri. The Bell, a replica of Philadelphia's Liberty Bell, was presented to Independence by the people of Annecy, France, as a friendship token. In the photo are Truman's brother and his wife, J. Vivian Truman and Luella Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, General Harry Vaughan, Truman friend Tom Evans, Independence Postmaster Edgar Hinde, and Blevins Davis (speaker).

Liberty Bell dedication ceremony, Independence, Missouri

President Harry S. Truman at the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri, for the dedication of the Liberty Bell. The Bell, a replica of Philadelphia's Liberty Bell, was presented to Independence by the people of Annecy, France as a friendship token. Also in the photo are Truman's brother and his wife, J. Vivian Truman and Luella Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, General Harry Vaughan, Truman friend Tom Evans, Independence Postmaster Edgar Hinde, and Blevins Davis. Blevins Davis is speaking.

President Truman speaking in Independence, Missouri

President Harry S. Truman at the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri, speaking at the dedication of the Liberty Bell. The Bell, a replica of Philadelphia's Liberty Bell, was presented to Independence by the people of Annecy, France, as a friendship token. Also in the photo are Truman's brother and his wife, J. Vivian Truman and Luella Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, General Harry Vaughan, Truman friend Tom Evans, Independence Postmaster Edgar Hinde, and Blevins Davis.

President Harry S. Truman Speaks in Independence, Missouri

President Harry S. Truman stands on the steps at the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri, speaking at the dedication of the Liberty Bell. The Bell, a replica of Philadelphia's Liberty Bell, was presented to Independence by the people of Annecy, France as a friendship token. Also in the photo are Truman's brother and his wife, J. Vivian Truman and Luella Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, General Harry Vaughan, Truman friend Tom Evans, Independence Postmaster Edgar Hinde, and Blevins Davis.

President Truman at a baseball game

President Harry S. Truman throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game, Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C. To the right of the President are: Bucky Harris, New York Yankees; President Clark Griffith of the Washington Senators; and Casey Stengel, manager of the New York Yankees. Vice President Alben Barkley and Bess Wallace Truman are to the left of President Truman. Behind Vice President Barkley is General Harry Vaughan. Behind President Truman is Averell Harriman. Standing behind Bucky Harris is President Truman's secretary, Matthew Connelly.

President Truman and Margaret walking

President Harry S. Truman and Margaret Truman on the way to the beach during a vacation in Key West, Florida, November 30, 1951. From left to right, in front: President Truman, Margaret, and Captain Cecil Adell. In back from left to right: unidentified Secret Service agent, General Harry Vaughan, Stanley Woodward, Commander Horace D. Warden, and Donald Dawson.

President Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam

Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin meeting at Potsdam. From left to right, row 1 : Joseph Stalin, Harry S. Truman, Soviet Ambassador Andrei Gromyko, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Second row: General Harry Vaughan, interpreter Charles Bohlen, interpreter V. N. Pavlov (mostly obscured by Truman), Captain James K. Vardaman, and Charles Ross (partially obscured).