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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Picnic Lunch at Fort Jefferson

Picnic lunch at Fort Jefferson National Monument in the Dry Tortugas, off the coast of Key West, Florida. President Harry S. Truman is in the line, wearing sunglasses. Behind President Truman is his Military Aide, General Harry Vaughan. All others are unidentified. President Truman and his party visited Fort Jefferson during Truman's vacation to Key West.

President Harry S. Truman and Members of His Staff at Key West, Florida

Presidential staff photograph, from President Truman's sixth trip to Key West. Front row, left to right: John Steelman, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and William Hassett. Back row, left to right: William Bray, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charlie Ross, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, and Eben Ayers.

Truman and others leaving the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People conference

President Harry S. Truman (front row, left) leaves after giving a speech at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) conference at the Lincoln Memorial. He is accompanied by (front row) Eleanor Roosevelt and Walter White, president of the NAACP; General Harry Vaughan and Captain James Foskett (second row, left to right); Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred Vinson and Senator Wayne Morse (third row, left to right, Vinson partly obscured by Foskett); and Attorney General Tom Clark (behind and to the left of Senator Morse in the bow tie).

Presidential Party in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman and the rest of the presidential party pose for a photograph while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: John Steelman, First Lady Bess Truman, President Truman, Margaret Truman, and William Hassett. Back row, left to right: Stephen Spingarn, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charlie Ross, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, and David Niles.

President Truman reviewing troops

President Harry S. Truman reviewing troops at Springfield, Missouri, during the reunion of the 35th Division Association. Inspection of honor guard at the airport. With President Truman are Admiral Robert Dennison, General Harry Vaughan, and General Ralph E. Truman. U. S. Army photo - 6th Armored Division, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri

President Truman touring Fort Jefferson

President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, Charlie Ross, Clark Clifford, John Steelman, Harry Vaughan, Edward A. Locke, Admiral C.W. Styer, John Caskie Collet, James Foskett, Lieutenant Colonel Myers, Captain W. A. Saunders and his son, Bill Saunders, and Secret Service Agents take a tour of Fort Jefferson conducted by Russell A. Gibbs, custodian. From the album of The President's vacation trip to Key West, Florida.

President Truman and Aides on the platform of a train to Fulton, Missouri

President Harry S. Truman and staff members on the rear platform of the train taking them to Fulton, Missouri with Winston Churchill, where Churchill gave his famous "Iron Curtain" speech. From left to right: Harry Vaughan, Clark Clifford, President Truman, Charles Ross (partly obscured behind Truman), Wallace Graham, and an unidentified man.