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Map of a Proposed High School in Moberly, Missouri

Map of a Proposed High School in Moberly, Missouri
Map of a Proposed High School in Moberly, Missouri
Accession Number
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Physical Size
13 X 11 inches
TIF Identifier

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Courtesy Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, Independence, Missouri.

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A map, titled "Plat of Hill Haven," that highlights the proposed location of a new high school in Moberly, Missouri. The map is divided into sections and shows plots, building limit lines, easements, and roads. Plots containing homes have been marked, while others have been checked in red ink. Other handwriting on the front reads: "New high school, 23 acres" and "North of high school is State Highway Building." Handwriting on the back reads: "Papers of Senator Harry S. Truman. Folder: W.P.A.-District No. 1-Moberly. Ltr.: December 4, 1940."
