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Proclamations are official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the Federal Government.

Proclamations are intended for individuals outside of the government, while executive orders are intended for individuals within the government. Tables that are part of the proclamations are not included in this web site, please see the Code of Federal Regulations for the tables.

Proclamation 2848
WHEREAS the Secretary of the Interior has adopted, after notice and public procedure pursuant to section 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act of June 11, 1946 (60 Stat. 238) and has submitted to me for approval the following amendments of the…
Proclamation 2849
WHEREAS the lives of thousands of our fellow Americans - men, women, and children - are destroyed each year by fire and countless others suffer permanent disability from the same cause; and WHEREAS preventable fires also destroy an untold amount of…
Proclamation 2850
WHEREAS Proclamation No. 2523 of November 14, 1941, issued under and by virtue of the authority vested in the President by the act of May 22, 1918, 40 Stat. 559 , as amended by the act of June 21, 1941, 55 Stat. 252, prescribes regulations which impose…
Proclamation 2851
WHEREAS section 3228(f) of the Internal Revenue Code provides in part as follow: Opiate. The word "opiate," as used in this part and subchapter A of chapter 23 shall mean any drug (as defined in the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act) found by the…
Proclamation 2852
WHEREAS section 411 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code, approved June 19, 1934, authorizes the President to prescribe and from time to time change the tolls that shall be levied by the Government of the United States for the use of the Panama Canal, and…
Proclamation 2853
WHEREAS throughout the march of civilization mankind has yearned for security, justice, and lasting peace; and WHEREAS the Charter of the United Nations, which embodies these aspirations, has instilled in the peoples of the world a renewed faith that by…
Proclamation 2854
WHEREAS the Secretary of the Interior has adopted and submitted to me for approval the following amendments of the regulations relating to migratory birds and game mammals included in the terms of the Convention between the United States and Great…
Proclamation 2855
WHEREAS physically handicapped men and women seeking employment should have equality of opportunity with others; and WHEREAS performance records have proved that handicapped workers, when properly prepared and placed, can perform their tasks creditably…
Proclamation 2857
WHEREAS men of good will everywhere are seeking the way to a new world, in which lasting peace will prevail and all nations will work and live together in friendly accord; and WHEREAS all who have this hope may draw inspiration and courage from the…
Proclamation 2858
WHEREAS those foreign patriots who fought on American soil for the achievement of our liberty should live forever in our memories and be enshrined forever in our hearts; and WHEREAS, shortly after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the…
Proclamation 2859
Whereas the Secretary of the Interior has adopted, after notice and public procedure pursuant to section 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act of June 11, 1946 (60 Stat. 238), and has submitted to me for approval the following regulation relating to…
Proclamation 2860
WHEREAS the earth mounds in the northeastern part of the State of Iowa known as the Effigy Mounds are of great scientific interest because of the variety of their forms, which include animal effigy, bird effigy, conical, and linear types, illustrative of…
Proclamation 2861
WHEREAS section 4228 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by the act of July 24, 1897, c. 13, 30 Stat. 214 (U.S.C. title 46, sec. 141), provides, in part, as follows: Upon satisfactory proof being given to the President, by the…
Proclamation 2862
WHEREAS within a single generation the two most devastating wars in human history brought death or despair to millions; and WHEREAS the signing of the World War I Armistice on November 11, 1918, aroused in the hearts of men the ardent hope of a peace…
Proclamation 2863
WHEREAS under the authority vested in him by section 350(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the act of June 12, 1934, entitled "An Act to amend the Tariff Act of 1930" (48 Stat. 943), the President of the United States of America entered into a…
Proclamation 2864
In accordance with our cherished custom, let us pause from our labors for one day in this autumnal season and offer prayers of thanks to the Divine Giver of our bounty. We are grateful for the plentiful harvests of our fields, for the abundance of goods…
Proclamation 2865
1. WHEREAS pursuant to the authority vested in the President by the Constitution and the statutes, including section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by section 1 of the act of June 12, 1934, by the joint resolution approved June 7, 1943, and…
Proclamation 2866
WHEREAS under the Charter of the United Nations member governments have pledged themselves to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and…
Proclamation 2867
1. WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the President by the Constitution and the statutes, including section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by section 1 of the act of June 12, 1934, by the joint resolution approved June 7, 1943, and…
Proclamation 2868
WHEREAS the President is authorized, in accordance with the conditions prescribed in section 9 of Title 17 of the United States Code, which includes the provisions of the act of Congress approved March 4, 1909, 35 Stat. 1075, as amended by the act of…
Proclamation 2869
WHEREAS, under the authority vested in him by section 350(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the act of June 12, 1934, entitled "An Act to amend the Tariff Act of 1930" (48 Stat. 943), the President of the United States of America entered into a…
Proclamation 2870
WHEREAS the health of our children is of supreme importance to the future of the nation; and WHEREAS the prevention and early treatment of dental diseases can be a potent factor in the promotion of the general health of our young people; and WHEREAS a…
Proclamation 2871
WHEREAS the American national Red Cross has been designated by the Congress as a medium through which the people of this Nation may act upon the humanitarian impulse to aid the victims of disasters, such as floods, fires, and tornadoes; and WHEREAS the…
Proclamation 2872
WHEREAS our country, built by people of many races, creeds, and national origins, has become a preeminent force in the furtherance of the cause of human freedom; and WHEREAS our Nation now needs, more than ever before, citizens who know and understand…
Proclamation 2873
WHEREAS the Armed Forces of the United States serve the Nation with courage and devotion both in war and in peace; and WHEREAS the Armed Forces, as a unified team, are currently performing, at home and across the seas, tasks vital to the security of the…