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Oral History Interviews


The Truman Library has approximately 500 interviews supplementing the written record of Harry S. Truman's life and times. The interviews are available in transcript form and range in length from fewer than 10 to over 1,000 pages, with most being between 20 and 200 pages. Most of the interviews include a name and subject index attached to the transcript. There is a cumulative index for the entire oral history collection available in the research room at the Library.

The list below gives the name of the person interviewed, his or her principal positions, and the number of pages in the transcript. This list does not include information about specific copyright or donor restrictions. This information is included with the individual interview transcripts. Interviews that were conducted by an oral history program other than the Library's are properly accredited. Interviews with friends, neighbors, and personal associates of Harry S. Truman have been conducted by the National Park Service, and transcripts can be found on their website.

HACKMAN, LARRY. Director of the Harry S. Truman Library, 1995-2000. 21 pages. This is one of three interviews that the Truman Library conducted with Mr. Hackman in 2014. For information about access to the other two Interview transcripts, please contact the Truman Library.
HAEKKERUP, PER. Journalist; Member of Parliament, Denmark, 1950. 22 pages.
HALL-PATCH, SIR EDMUND. Chairman of the Executive Committee, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 1948. 26 pages.
HALL, RUBY JANE. Grandview, Missouri, friend of the Truman family. 69 pages.
HALVORSON, H.H. Kansas City businessman and friend of Harry S. Truman. 57 pages.
HANSEN, DONALD. Special Assistant in the White House Office, 1951-53. 79 pages.
HARDIN, PERRY R. Clerk in the White House file room, 1945-52. 60 pages.
HARKORT, GUNTHER Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Economic Cooperation Administration. 83 pages.
HARPER, ROY W. U.S. District Judge, Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, 1947-59; Chief Judge, Eastern District of Missouri, 1959-70; friend and Missouri political associate of Harry S. Truman. 53 pages.
HARRIMAN, W. AVERELL. Ambassador to Russia, 1943-46; Ambassador to Great Britain, 1946; Secretary of Commerce, 1946-48; Special Representative in Europe, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948-50; Director, Mutual Security Agency, 1951-53. 30 pages.
HARRIS, MARY B., MARY L. DELOZIER, AND LIBERTY L. PRESTON Children and grandchild of Henry G. Bennett, first administrative director of the Technical Cooperation Administration, Department of State, 1951. 98 pages.
HASSETT, WILLIAM D. Correspondence Secretary to the President, 1945-52. 8 pages.
HASTIE, WILLIAM H. Governor of the Virgin Islands, 1946-49; Judge, 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 1949-71. 108 pages.
HAVLIK, HUBERT F. Chief, Division of Investment and Economic Development, Department of State, 1946-48; Chief, Payments Section and Trade and Payments Division, Office of Special Representative, Economic Cooperation Administration (later the Mutual Security Administration and the Foreign Operations Administration), 1948-54. 273 pages.
HAYES, SAMUEL P. Chief, Special Economic and Technical Mission to Indonesia, 1951-52; Assistant Director for the Far East, Mutual Security Agency, 1952-53. 104 pages.
HECHLER, KEN. Special Assistant to the President, 1949-53. 249 pages.
HEHMEYER, SHIRLEY. Secretary, Special Committee of the Senate to Investigate the National Defense Program (Truman Committee), 1941-43. 44 pages.
HEHMEYER, WALTER. Investigator, Special Committee of the Senate to Investigate the National Defense Program (Truman Committee), 1941-46. 127 pages.
HENDERSON, LOY W. Director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State, 1945-48; Ambassador to India, 1948-51; Ambassador to Iran, 1951-55. 239 pages.
HERTFORD, KENNER F. Military adviser, U.N. Conference on International Organization, 1945; member, Inter-American Defense Board and Joint Brazil-U.S. Defense Commission, 1947. 84 pages.
HICKERSON, JOHN D. Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State, 1947-49; Assistant Secretary of State for U.N. Affairs, 1949-53. 121 pages.
HINDE, EDGAR G. Independence Postmaster, 1935-60, and friend of Harry S. Truman. 141 pages.
HIRSCH, ETIENNE. Head, Technical Division, 1946-49, deputy commissioner, 1949-52, commissioner, 1952-59, Commissariat-General au Plan, France. 30 pages.
HOEBER, JOHANNES U. Staff member, Research Division, Democratic National Committee, 1948. 92 pages.
HOFFMAN, PAUL G. Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948-50. 26 pages.
HOLEMAN, FRANK. Washington, D.C. correspondent, New York Daily News, 1946-65. 80 pages.
HOLT, MR. and MRS. GEORGE T. Tenants on the Truman farm in Grandview, Missouri. 50 pages.
HORNE, ROMAN L. Organizing secretary, 1946, deputy secretary, 1946-56, and secretary, 1956-67, International Monetary Fund. 117 pages.
HOWARD, HARRY N. Member, U.S. Delegation, U.N. Security Council Commission for Investigation of Greek Frontier Incidents and U.N. Special Committee on the Balkans, 1947-51. 102 pages.
HOWARD, MAY C. Acquaintance of Harry S. Truman and member of a family active in Truman's first (1922) political campaign. 47 pages.
HOWE, FISHER. Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1945-46; Executive Secretary, Board of the Foreign Service, 1947; Deputy Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, 1948-56. 35 pages.
HULLEY, BENJAMIN M. Second Secretary and consul, U.S. Legation, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1944-45; First Secretary and consul, U.S. Legation, Helsinki, Finland, 1945-47; Chief, Division of Northern European Affairs, Department of State, 1947-51; First Secretary and consul, U.S. Embassy in London, United Kingdom, 1951-54. 33 pages.
HULSTON, JOHN K. Lawyer and chairman, Greene County, Missouri, Democratic Central Committee, 1946-48. 117 pages.
HUNTER, T. WILLARD. Clergyman; associate of Frank Buchman in the Moral Rearmament movement. 18 pages.
HYDE, HENRY VAN ZILE. Assistant Chief, Health Services Branch, Division of International Labor, Social and Health Affairs, Department of State, 1945-48; Assistant Chief, Division of International Health, U.S. Public Health Service, 1948-49; Director, Health and Sanitation Staff, Technical Cooperation Administration, 1952-53. 201 pages.