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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

November 19, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Tom Evans, of Kansas City) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman, accompanied by General Graham and Mr. Tubby, left for the Statler Hotel to attend a dinner of the Association of Military Surgeons) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Address Before the Association of Military Surgeons]
(Mrs. Howard Rusk) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable George C. McGhee, American Ambassador to Turkey (Asked for this through Protocol)
(Mr. J. Lacey Reynolds, Toledo Blade) (Mr. Tubby brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State (Usual appointment for State)
(Mr. Max Ascoli of The Reporter) (Mr. Tubby brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, NSRB (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(General Graham) (Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Pete Brandt) (Mr. Tubby brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Death of William Green]
(Mr. Henry Chiles and family, of Independence, Missouri) (Arranged at request of Mr. Vivian Truman) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a group of Foreign Members of the Association of Military Surgeons. This meeting was result of the President's attendance on Tuesday evening of the Dinner of this Association, when foreign group asked if they might pay a courtesy call on the President. The following were present: BARROSO, Geraldo, Commander, Medical Corps, Brazilian Navy CONTRERAS, Felipe, Major, Venezuelan Army Medical Corps EL-NAGAH, Ahmed, Brigadier, Egypt FERRATTI, Carlos E., Dr., Medical Sanitary Corps, Uruguay GUIMARAES, Luiz A., Captain, Brazilian Army HAHN, Dong Whan, Commander, Deputy Surgeon General, Korean HIELHE, Wilbur W., Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps, USA HUNTER, K. A., Brigadier, Director General, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps JAULMES, C. S. E., Colonel, Surgeon, France LIMA, Carlas P., Colonel, Brazilian Army NODWELL, Robert J., Colonel, Liaison Officer, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps PHOLPOKE, Thip, Major, Thailand PORTO, Emanuel Marques, Major General, the Surgeon General, Brazilian Army POSHARKRISHNA, Snit, Surgeon Commander, Royal Thailand Navy RAMADAN, Ahmed, Captain, Lebanon STUART, C. M., Colonel, Director, Army Medical Corps, Ireland TABET, J. G., Surgeon General, Deputy to Medical Director General of the French Armed Forces TOLEDO, Alfonso, Colonel, Guatemalan Army WEST-WATSON, W. R., Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Army Medical Corps, Great Britain
(Captain and Mrs. William L. Bird) OFF THE RECORD (Captain Bird is Chaplain, U.S.A. stationed at Fort Lesley J. McNair; old friend and wanted the President to meet his wife; came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD)
(Honorable Thomas C. Buchanan, Chairman, Federal Power Commission) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked if might have OFF RECORD appointment.)
(The President left for the Department of Agriculture Auditorium to speak at final session of Central Intelligence Agency's Eighth Training Orientation Course. He was accompanied by: Admiral Robert Dennison, Admiral Sidney Souers, Mr. James Lay and Mr. Roger Tubby)
The President addressed the final session of Central Intelligence Agency's Eighth Orientation Course [Public Papers: Remarks at a Meeting of an Orientation Course Conducted by the CIA]
(Mr. John Thice, of Independence, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday; came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
(The President left for the Naval Gun Factory and went aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG for weekend cruise. He was accompanied by: Mr. David Noyes, Mr. William Hillman, Honorable John W. Snyder, Mr. Dwight Palmer, and Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(The President left the USS WILLIAMSBURG at the Naval Gun Factory and returned to the White House) OFF THE RECORD
The President participated in a cornerstone laying ceremony at the new Westminster Presbyterian Church at 2701 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, Virginia
[Public Papers: Remarks in Alexandria, Va., at the Cornerstone Laying of the Westminster Presbyterian Church]
Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr. of Missouri Mr. James E. Lawrence, Chairman, Missouri Basin Survey Commission (Senator called Mr. Connelly last week stating it was rather urgent they see the President.)
Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State
Rabbi R. M. Rosenthal, of Cleveland, Ohio (Wired Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this; saw the President last April through Congresswoman Bolton and brought the President gift from people in Israelean town of Ksar-Truman. The gift was set of cuff links.)
The President received a group from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity: DODSON, Mr. Thurman L. GEE, Mr. Malcolm JONES, Mr. Hiram HILL, Mr. Lawrence A. McCOLLOUGH, Mr. Chester MOULTRIE, Mr. H. Carl PARKER, Mr. Barrington D. TURNER, Mr. Winston WHITEHEAD, Dr. Matthew J., Chairman WILLIAMS, Mr. Charles E. WILLIAMS, Dr. Puris J. WEAVER, Mr. George (Lawrence Hill of Howard University wrote to the President early in November, explaining that last year during Achievement Week Program of this Fraternity, they gave the President an award in absentia for his stand on civil rights. As the President was then away from Washington, they asked if they might present this scroll to him.)
Honorable Loy W. Henderson, American Ambassador to Iran (Requested this through Protocol)
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to: Lt. Colonel Raymond G. Davis, USMC T/Sgt. Robert S. Kennemore, USMC Pfc. Hector A. Cafferata, USMA
(Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Stanley Woodward, American Ambassador to Canada (Asked for this through Protocol)
(The President was photographed in the South Grounds with Members of the White House Police Force) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Carl McArdle) of Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (Mr. Tubby brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security
(Judge Frank Douglas) OFF THE RECORD
IN THE PRESIDENT'S STUDY OFF THE RECORD (The President received Members and Officers of the Supreme Court, as follows:) Honorable Fred M. Vinson, the Chief Justice Honorable Hugo Black Honorable Stanley Reed Honorable Felix Frankfurter Honorable Orville Douglas Honorable Robert Jackson Honorable Harold Burton Honorable Tom Clark Honorable Sherman Minton Honorable Harold Willey, Clerk Honorable T. Perry Lippitt, Marshal Mr. Walter Wyatt, Reporter Also: Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General Honorable Robert Stern, Acting Solicitor General
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Need for Maintaining Rosters of Former Mobilization Personnel]
General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U. S. Air Force (To report on trip to Korea)
Colonel John Astor, owner and publisher of LONDON TIMES Honorable B. A. B. Burrows, Counsellor of British Embassy (The American Embassy in London asked for this appointment, through Protocol. Astor wished to present to the President the first copy of a memorial volume published by the TIMES to commemorate dedication on July 4, 1951 of the American Chapel in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. This copy autographed by a number of prominent Englishmen, including Prime Minister Churchill. This book is a record of ceremony which took place at time of dedication of Chapel, which will have on permanent display, honor roll of 28,000 members of U. S. Armed Forces killed in England during last war.)
Congressman John D. Dingell, Michigan Congressman Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Michigan Congressman John A. Blatnik, Minnesota Congressman John C. Kluczynski, Illinois (Honorable Charles Murphy) (Congressman Dingell asked for this to discuss St. Lawrence Waterway.)
The President received a group of Business Paper Editors. (Requested by Paul Wooten. This was usual bi- annual conference which the business paper editors have yearly; this was the second, first being on January 17, 1952.) THE FOLLOWING WILL MEET WITH THE PRESIDENT: SOCIETY OF BUSINESS MAGAZINE EDITORS AIKEN, John~Mechannual BOLZ, Roger W.~Machine Design BRADBURY, William~Utilization BROWN, Kermit~Food Field Reporter CLISSOLD, Walter~Bakers' Helper CALDWELL, John H.~Sales Management COHEN, Stanley~Advertising Age CAMPBELL, Tom~Iron Age CARSON, Lorraine~Dun's Review COOMBES, Raymond~Mechanization CORNELL, John~Paper Mill News CRAIN, Kenneth~Hospital Management CUSTER, James R.~Automotive Industries DOOLY, William~Constructor ESS, T. J.~Iron and Steel Engineer FIRTH, Norman~Dun's Review FISHER, Mahlen R.~Constructioneer FITZGERALD, R. L.~Boot and Shoe Recorder GIBBS, Robert C.~Chemical and Engineering News GRAY, Robert~Fueloil and Oil Heat GREENE, A. W.~Distribution Age GREENE, Edward E.~Institutional Food Wholesaler HARRINGTON, Carl C.~Mill & Factory HEALE, Kenneth~Hardware Age HERS, Charles C.~Machinery JOYCE, Arthur T.~Bakers' Weekly KELLY, Fred~Refrigerating Engineering KENYON, Charles M.~Motor Age KERR, R. T.~American Lumberman KIEFER, Frank~Department Store Economist KING, Lansford F.~Jewelers' Circular-Keystone KRAYHILL, Richard L.~Dun's Review KREUTEBERG, K. C.~Steel KRUCKMAN, Arnold~Kruckman News Service KRUCKMAN, Margaret~Glass Digest LANGDON, Palmer N.~Metal Finishing LINDSAY, George C.~Mechanization McALLISTER, Stanley~Masonry Construction McCarthy, John F.~Optical Journal MARIWELLO, Reese L.~Plant Engineering MICHELSON, Edward J.~Tide NORMAN, John~Fairchild Publications OVERMAN, L. F.~Heating and Ventilating PHAIR, William A.~Hardware Age PETERSON, Eldridge~Printers' Ink RANNELLS, Karl~Chilton Publications RAWONS, C. B.~Commercial Car Journal RICHARDSON, W. A.~Medical Economics RICHTER, Frank~Modern Railroads ROSCOE, George B.~Qualified Contractor SHEARER, Andrew~Automotive Industries SIMKINS, Murray~Commercial Car Journal STEIFELD, Robert L.~Machine Design STROUPE, Raymond~Chilton Publications SUCH, Irwin H.~Steel SULLIVAN, George P.~Iron Age THUN, E. E.~Metal Progress TICHE, Frank~Motor Age TROUT, Joe~Progressive Grocer VITT, George N.~American Exporter Industrial VOGEL, Fred W.~Modern Machine Shop WARREN, James S.~Restaurant Management WELCH, Francis X.~Public Utilities Fortnightly WHITTINGTON, George A.~Industrial Laboratories
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Business Paper Editors]
Judge Samuel I. Rosenman (Called Mr. Connelly ten days ago from New York and asked for this.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
(Honorable Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Honorable James McCahey, of Chicago) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Norman Cousins, Editor, The Saturday Review of Literature) OFF THE RECORD (Wrote to the President last August, expressing hope he might talk to him sometime this fall about ideas he has for a proposed Presidential farewell address. Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD.)
Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reported on recent trip to Korea)
(Mr. Abraham Feinberg, of New York) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable Robert T. Creasey, Assistant Secretary of Labor (Secretary Maurice J. Tobin called Mr. Matthew Connelly and arranged for Creasey to call.)
H.E. the Right Honorable Sir Oliver S. Franks, the Ambassador of Great Britain (Came in to say "goodbye" before returning to England)
(Honorable Herbert Feis) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this through Clayton Fritchey, who brought him in OFF RECORD. The President saw Feis sometime ago when he was writing "Ordeal of Decision" for New York Times Sunday Magazine. Is now at Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, engaged on a definitive book on China policy, and wished to discuss some of the events that transpired between April 1945 and December 1945. Mr. Fritchey said this book is being written with the encouragement of Secretary Dean Acheson.)
Honorable and Mrs. Calvin W. Rawlings, of Salt Lake City, Utah (He is Democratice National Committeeman for Utah; wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly they would be here and hoped might see the President and the White House.)
Honorable Burton K. Wheeler (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly about a week ago and asked for this.)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman Donald L. O'Toole, New York (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Barry Gray) (Mr. Morris Ernst) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD. Ernst wrote the President that Gray was outstanding top independent radio supporter of the President, etc.)
Honorable James F. Fairman, Administrator, Defense Electric Power Administration, Interior Department (Fairman was leaving and Mr. Oscar Chapman asked if he might come in to say "goodbye" to the President)
Honorable W. John Kenney, Mutual Security Agency (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Monday and asked for this.)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Wayne Morse, of Oregon (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable Roget Putnam, Economic Stabilizer) (Honorable Henry W. Fowler, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Honorable David Cole) OFF THE RECORD (Dr. John R. Steelman, Mr. David Stowe and Mr. Charles Murphy sat in)
The President, Mrs. Truman and Miss Margaret Truman attended Thanksgiving Day services at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 18th Street between P and Q Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.
(The President presented to Mr. Harry Charlton of the White House Office an autographed copy of "MR. PRESIDENT". Mr. Charlton was retiring as of this date.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Clayton Fritchie [Fritchey]) OFF THE RECORD
His Excellency Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands
The President left Washington, D.C. by train for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he attended the Army-Navy Football game. He was accompanied by Mrs. Truman and Miss Margaret Truman and by members of his staff.
Returned to the White House from Philadelphia, Pa.
(Blevins Davis) Came for Supper OFF THE RECORD
(The President presented to Admiral Sidney Souers the Distinguished Service Medal. The following were present: Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy Admiral William M. Fechteler, Chief of Naval Operations General Walter Bedell Smith, Director, C. I. A. Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy Mrs. Sidney Souers Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, F. B. I. Honorable James Lay Mr. Everett Gleeson Mr. Pat Coyne [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Souers]
Honorable Elbert D. Thomas, High Commissioner of Trust Territory Honorable Horace Marshall, Attorney General of Trust Territory (Commissioner Thomas cabled Mr. Matthew Connelly ten days ago and asked for this.)
Honorable Lindsay A. Warren, Comptroller General of the U. S. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. Victor Hunt Harding, Office of Sergeant at Arms, the Capitol (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this)