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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 06, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The President received members of GIRLS NATION as in past years. This is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary and is attended by two girls from each of the 48 states, selected from thousands who attend Girls State sessions. This visit to the President climaxes their program which includes visits to all Departments of Government, as well as instructions in processes of Government and their duties and privileges as citizens, etc. Abernathy, Nancy~Mississippi Allbright, Rita Grace~Louisiana Amodei, Shirley~Nevada Anderhazy, Lynn~California Andrews, Mrs. W.W. (Counselor)~Alabama Armstrong, Virginia~Illinois Atkins, Carole Gwyneth~Delaware Backstrom, Nancy L.~Idaho Beck, Billie~Alabama Bellach, Violet~Montana Belser, Mrs. I. (Counselor)~South Carolina Biggs, Mr. William E. (Instructor)~Dist. of Columbia Blair, Nancy Ann~Arizona Bonnell, Doris Ann~Kansas Bourke, Nancy Ann~Massachusetts Bowlus, Mary Alice~Ohio Boyd, Barbara Sue~Illinois Boyle, Barbara Inez~Virginia Bradshaw, Dean Mary~Dist. of Columbia Brooks, Janet~New Jersey Brunton, Barbara Ann~New Jersey Burton, Pat~Utah Call, Anna Lou~Idaho Cameron, Elizabeth~Vermont Cameron, Mrs. Rhoda (Publ. Rel.)~New York Causey, Joan~Florida Clayton, Janet Young~Kentucky Cline, Claudeen~North Dakota Collett, Sallie~Louisiana Collinge, Joyce Catherine~Canal Zone Commo, Eleanor Lee~Massachusetts Conger, Betty Ann~Georgia Cooper, Fran~Oregon Costello, Nancy Ann~Missouri Cox, Joy~Arkansas Cruse, Mrs. A. (Counselor)~Colorado Cubbon, Nancy~West Virginia Decoteau, Jeannine Marie~Maine Deem, Mary Jo~Oklahoma Diener, Anne Virginia~Indiana Doubenmier, Mary Judene~Colorado Dougherty, Lee~Virginia Dubois, Sarah Marie~Wyoming Eccles, Ann~Wisconsin Finley, JoAnne~Mississippi Fisher, Donna~Nevada Fix, Sandra A.~Pennsylvania Gentry, Alice Mary~Nebraska Gondos, Dean Dorothy~Dist. of Columbia Graves, Pat~Missouri Green, Judith Mary~Washington Grimes, Sandra~Indiana Gunrell, Ellen~Utah Hardin, Shirley Fay~Alabama Harvey, Loy Charlotte~Washington Hatch, Joan Adrienne~South Dakota Hensley, Eloise~Tennessee Herrick, Jane~Vermont Hill, Susan Catherine~Nebraska Hodges, Jeanie~California Johnson, Dora Jean~South Carolina Johnson, Patricia Gene~New Mexico Jones, Sharon~Texas Kash, Nansye Jolene~Kentucky Kaufman, Janet C.~Minnesota Kelly, Sue~Iowa Kemp, Virginia~West Virginia Kendall, Cynthia~New York King, Niwana Carolyn~Georgia Knolle, June~Texas Kolander, Carolyn~Oregon Krooner, Ernestine Phyllis~Connecticut Lackey, Carol Lynn~Oklahoma Lamb, Loa Fern~Arizona Leftwich, Phyllis Yvonne~Maryland Lentz, Martha Cromwell~Tennessee Lewis, Myrna Joan~Wisconsin Libutti, Dacia~Rhode Island Malamatos, Evelyn~Florida Mandigo, Pauline (Publ. Rel.)~New York Martin, Mrs. M. (Counselor)~Wisconsin Miller, Mrs. V. (Counselor)~Idaho McKenna, Christina Ann~Maine Meroney, Mary Nell~North Carolina Mogle, Miriam Gail~Kansas Nelson, Mrs. A. (Counselor)~South Dakota Patterson, Charlotte~Ohio Perry, Mrs. R. (Counselor)~Ohio Quinn, Kay~Wyoming Regan, Patricia~New Hampshire Richardson, Norma Louise~South Carolina Robbin, Sandra~Montana Ryan, Mary Nell~Minnesota Schmidt, Arline Rose Marie~Canal Zone Seals, Mrs. L. (Counselor)~Louisiana Sherman, Donna~Michigan Simmons, Mrs. S. (Counselor)~Rhode Island Smith, Judy~Arkansas Snyder, Louisa A.~Connecticut Spencer, Judith Elaine~Maryland Stiles, Mary Clare~New Mexico Stump, Irene~Rhode Island Sullivan, Rosan~Michigan Tronson, Mary Lou~North Dakota Vellenga, Joan~South Dakota Wakefield, Barbara Jo~Delaware Wallace, Joan Elizabeth~New Hampshire Watkins, Sally Gilbert~North Carolina Whisler, Connie I.~Pennsylvania Work, Gretchen~New York Zaiger, Shirley~Iowa Zimmerman, Eleanor~Colorado
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Delegates of Girls Nation]
Honorable Ellis Arnall, Director, Office of Price Stabilization (One half hour; spoke with the President in Kansas City and arranged this.)
(Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General) (Mr. Ross Malone) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce
Senator Tom Connally, Texas (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly late yesterday and asked for this; was leaving for Texas today.)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President [Alben Barkley] absent; Mr. Bruce for State; Mr. W. Averell Harriman absent; all others present.)
Honorable David Bruce, the Under Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment for State, moved up one half hour)
(Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Neal Helm, of Caruthersville, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
His Excellency Signor Alberto Tarchiani, the Italian Ambassador and Signora Tarchinani (Presented to the President on behalf of the Republic of Italy, for the redecorated White House, a vase of red oriential porphyry, in the shape of a goblet, standing on a column of black granite, a Roman work of the first centuries of the Empire. This ceremony took place in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. Vase and pedestal extremely heavy, 75 pounds apiece, so it was necessary to have this ceremony on the lower floor.)
(General Harry Vaughan) (Major General George A. Horkan, Quartermaster General of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Dr. Howard Rusk, of National Advisory Committee on Selection of Physicians, Dentists and Other Allied Specialists) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Mox) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Administration of the Federal Employee Security Programs]
[Public Papers: Memorandum on the Federal Employee Security Programs]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Henry A. Byroade, Assistant Secretary of State in charge of Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs) (Just returned from Near East, Egypt particularly, and the President had Mr. Connelly ask him to come in and talk to him about situation. HALF HOUR)
Honorable Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr., American Ambassador and High Commissioner to Austria (Newly appointed; asked, through Protocol, to call on the President before departing for post.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour to discuss mid-year Budget)
(Admiral William D. Leahy) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Perle Mesta, American Minister to Luxembourg (Called Mr. Connelly Tuesday and asked for this.)
No appointments
(The President met Secretary of State Acheson at the Airport.)
The President remained at the White House all day.
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Telford Taylor, Administrator, Small Defense Plants Administration (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked if might see the President before fifteenth of this month)
Honorable A. Devitt Vanech (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, President, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc. Mr. Harvey Matthews and Mr. William Hillman (The President handed to Dr. Clinchy an autographed copy of "Mr. President" to be presented to the Free University of Berlin, as final act in campaign for new library which the Ford Foundation built. The collection is now finished and 30,000 books have been screened and shipped. They are now ready to sign off with statement to press about total result in terms of contributioin of money and books that have come from universities, learned societies, personal libraries, etc.)
Congressman Frank M. Karsten, Missouri and Cong. Melvin Price, Ill. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
H.E. Senor Don Victor Andrade, the Ambassador of Bolivia (Newly appointed, presented credentials)
(Honorable Frank Waring) OFF THE RECORD (Asked if might come in Off Record, just to visit with the President briefly. Just in from Tokyo, where he is returning in few days.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Honorable Frank McKinney) OFF THE RECORD (One Half Hour)
(Mr. J. W. Graham, Dr. Graham's father) OFF THE RECORD
(Patricia Milton) (Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shumacher) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Niles) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual weekly appointment - half hour)
Dr. Channing Tobias (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and requested appointment)
Honorable Harley M. Kilgore, Senator from West Virginia (In city yesterday and today. Called Mr. Matthew Connelly for appointment)
Mr. Josue de Castro, President of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Mr. de Castro coming as official of F.A.O. His appointment was made at the request of the Brazilian Ambassador. He is a distinguished Brazilian citizen. Mr. Octavio Luize de Berenguer Cesar accompanied Mr. de Castro to White House but did not see the President. Mr. Cesar is 3rd Secretary of the Brazilian Embassy. Mr. Muir of Protocol was requested to hold this appointment to ten minutes)
Honorable Adlai Stevenson, Governor of Illinois, Presidential nominee Honorable John Sparkman, Senator from Alabama, Vice Presidential nominee (Mr. Joseph Short arranged for photographs of the Governor, the Senator and the President in the President's office prior to the 12:30 p.m. conference)
Honorable Adlai Stevenson, Governor of Illinois Honorable John Sparkman, Senator from Alabama Honnorable Dean Acheson Honorable W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A. General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, National Security Resources Board Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council Honorable Fred Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Leon Keyserling, Council on Economic Advisers (Mr. William Hopkins, Dr. John R. Steelman, Admiral Robert Dennison from White House staff) (Briefing session in the Cabinet Room with the President)
Cabinet Luncheon at the White House for Governor Stevenson
Honorable Adlai Stevenson, Governor of Illinois Honorable John Sparkman, Senator from Alabama
[Public Papers: Remarks following a Meeting at the White House With Governor Stevenson and Senator Sparkman]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Tax Benefits of the Shipping Industry]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of Commerce on the Tax Benefits of the Shipping Industry]
(Mr. and Mrs. Cook and daughters) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Charles Murphy's sister and her husband) (Handshake)
(Honorable Abraham Feinberg) (Honorable David Niles) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Philip Schiff Mr. Samuel D. Gershovitz of the National Jewish Welfare Board (Mr. Schiff called Mr. Matthew Connelly for appointment)
Honorable Maury Maverick (Wired President he would be in city this week and asked to come in to discuss matter of government business.)
Honorable Harlan T. Chapman, Assistant Register of the Treasury (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that July 12th last marked his third anni- versary of Presidential appointment to his position. Wanted to express appreciation to the President.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Lambert O'Malley and two children) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged through Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly. Had requested to come in before the Convention but Mr. Matthew Connelly asked him to wait until the President returned from Missouri - half hour.)
Mr. James Carey, of CIO (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for appointment. Wanted to discuss political campaign.)
Honorable Martin V. Coffey, Chairman, National Selective Service Appeal Board Honorable Paul C. Wolman, Member, National Selective Service Appeal Board Honorable Paul H. Griffith, Member, National Selective Service Appeal Board; also Col. W.W. Naramore, Executive Secretary (Mr. Martin Coffey wrote that the Boad was holding Staff meeting here today. Wanted to pay respects to the President. Photograph taken.)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior Mr. W. Alton Jones, President, Cities Service Corporation (Arranged by Secretary Oscar Chapman - to discuss Iranian oil situation)
(Mrs. Ruth Ramsey and daughter Susie) (Mrs. Daisy Nolan Lockett) OFF THE RECORD (Mrs. Ramsey was leaving today for California and asked to come in to see the President with her mother, Mrs. Lockett, who is a niece of John H. Twyman of Independence, now deceased.)
Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury
(Mr. John Cahill, and daughter Kathlina) (Mr. Cahill's sister)
[Public Papers: Message to Dwight D. Eisenhower Inviting Him to a Luncheon and Briefing at the White House]
[Public Papers: Letter to Junius B. Wood on the Minerva Clock and Other Antique White House furnishings]
(Mr. Thomas Beggs, of Smithsonian Institute) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Stephen Mitchell, newly appointed Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Mr. Matthew Connelly arranged on August 12th when Governor Stevenson was here. Half hour)
Honorable Millard Caldwell, Administrator, Federal Civil Defense Administration (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and requested appointment)
(Mr. J. M. Chambers) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Edward J. Hart, Congressman from New Jersey (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable David Bruce, the Under Secretary of State (Secretary Dean Acheson away for a few days. This is usual semi- weekely appointment of half hour)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Brent Spence, Congressman from Kentucky (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and request this.)
Honorable Elbert N. Carvel, Governor of Delaware Honorable J. Allen Frear, Jr., Senator from Delaware Honorable Harry McDowell (Governor Carvel called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for appointment to discuss possibility of FHA office in Delaware.)
(Mr. Elliot B. McConnell, Standard Oil Company of Ohio) (Admiral Robert Dennison brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
(Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Langsdale) OFF THE RECORD