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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 03, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The President's Commission on Health Needs of the Nation (Dr. Magnuson asked for this, presented the members to the President and gave the President brief status reports. Half hour) The following were present: BARNARD, Chester I. President of the Rockefeller Foundation New York, New York CLARK, Dean A., M.D., General Director of Massachusetts, General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts CLARK, Donald M., M.D., General Physician, Peterborough, New Hampshire GRAHAM, Evarts A., M.D., Surgeon, St. Louis, Missouri HAYES, A. J. President, International Association of Machinists, Washington, D.C. HINSEY, Joseph C., Ph.D., Dean of Cornell University Medical College, New York, New York JOHNSON, Charles S., President of Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee LEE, Russel V., M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, San Francisco, California Director, Palo Alto Clinic, Palo Alto, California MAGNUSON, Paul B., M.C., Orthopedic Surgeon, formerly Chief Medical Director, Veterans Administration, Chicago, Illinois. Chairman, President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation POE, Clarence, President and Editor of the Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, North Carolina REED, Lowell J., Ph.D., Vice President of Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland SHEAHAN, Marion W., R.N., Director of the National Committee for the Improvement of Nursing Services, New York, N.Y.
International Development Advisory Board (Requested by Chairman Eric Johnston, who feels that as the Board moves into new phase of work that of helping steer Point 4 along a sound and productive course, would be helpful and provide new stimulus if the President would receive them for very short discussion of their work) The following were present: JOHNSTON, Eric, Chairman DANIEL, Robert P., Ph.D., President, Virginia State College FIRESTONE, Harvey S., Jr., President, the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company HANNAH, John A., LL.D., President, Michigan State College HICKEY, Margaret A. (Miss) HINES, Lewis C., Special Representative, American Federation of Labor JOSEPH, Miss Bertha PARRAN, Thomas, M.D., D.P.H., Dean, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh POE, Clarence H., Editor, Progressive Farmer POTOFSKY, Jacob S., President, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, CIO SAVAGE, John L., Consulting Engineer WHEELER, Charles L., Executive Vice President, Pope & Talbot WHITE, Dr. William R., President, Baylor University KIMBALL, Frank C., Executive Secretary, rm 507 - 333 - Third St., NW ANDREWS, Stanley, Technical Cooperation Administrator
Robert C. Maich, Midshipman 1st Class, USN Clealand M. Joye, Jr., Midshipman 1st Class, USN (Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison - presented to the President copy of 1952 LUCKY BAG)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, The Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
The President and Mrs. Truman gave a Garden Party for veterans who are patients in government hospitals in Washington.
(Judge Rosenman) (Mr. Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wornall, of Kansas City, Missouri) (Went through the White House and then came to West Wing to see the President)
(Paul Dillon) OFF THE RECORD
(Colonel Edward Cordon, Chief Administrative Office National Guard Bureau) (Lt. Colonel John Bradley, of Kansas City, Missouri) Lower West Door OFF THE RECORD
(Dr. Albert R. Miller) (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan) OFF THE RECORD
(John Sonnett) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Ivy W. Duggan, Governor, Farm Credit Administration) (Mr. Dawson) (Arranged by Mr. Donald Dawson, who brought Mr. Duggan in) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Bernard F. Dickmann, President, National Association of Postmasters Honorable Charles E. Puskar, Secretary Honorable Arthur V. Smith, Editor of the Postmasters Gazette Raymond McNamara, Postmaster, Hanerrll, Massachusetts (Requested by Mr. Dickmann, to invite the President to address Postmasters National Convention next October)
(Honorable John Anson Ford, Supervisor, Third District County of Los Angeles, California) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President; in town attending the President's Conference on Industrial Safety; Has a plan to erect heroic statue "Democracy Upholding the World" on West Coast, on Palos Verdes Hills, over- looking harbor of Los Angeles) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the 1951-1952 Citation of the Capital Press Club: The following were present: Mr. Oscar Haynes, President Miss Revella Clay, Secretary Mr. Ernest Humbles, Vice President Mr. Alfred Sweeney, Chairman, Speaker's Bureau Dr. Arthur Davis (Stated their Ninth Annual dinner being dedicated to the President because "we members of the national minority press club feel we cannot, with full conscience, allow Mr. Truman to leave the White House without giving public expression to the high regard and deep admiration we have felt throughout his Presidency for his courageous and firm insistence that all citizens have a fair share in the privileges and opportunities of our democratic society.")
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Receiving a Plaque Presented by the Capital Press Club]
The President received Jimmy Carrick, "The Kid of the Year" (Requested by JAYCEES, who sponsor this contest. Jimmy has spent most of his young life in hospitals fighting spinal tuberculosis, has had many bone graft operations, often bringing him close to death; has remained cheerful and was inspiration to fellow hospital patients. He began soliciting blood for Red Cross, bringing about donation of more than 8,000 pints. Also has written more than 40,000 inspirational letters to servicement all over world and is now official mascot of Seabees. The following were present: ARMSTRONG, Mrs. Cherie, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, N.Y. BICKEL, Mr. Arthur D., 59 Webster Acres, Webster Groves, Missouri CARRICK, Jimmy, 1407 Bellaire Place, Pittsburgh 26, Pennsylvania CARRICK, Mrs. Louis A., 1407 Bellaire Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. LYNCH, Mr. W. Ware, President, Birdwell & Associates, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, New York WERNER, Mr. Donald, 107 Merill Street, Syracuse, New York WYATT, Mr. John M., Wyatt and Schuebel, 40 E. 51st Street, New York City, New York
[Public Papers: Remarks to Jimmy Carrick, Winner of "The Kid of the Year" Award]
Mayor Martin Kennelly of Chicago, Ill.
(Tex Colbert) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, N.S.R.B (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Mr. James Brannigan Mr. Barney B. Schlinger (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Charles F. Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture (One half hour)
(Honorable Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary of Interior) (Honorable James P. McGranery, Attorney General) (Mastin White, Solicitor of Interior Department)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Air Coordinating Committee, Transmitting Report of the Airport Commission]
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico (Called Mr. Connelly late yesterday to ask for this)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable Eric Johnston, Chairman, International Development Board Honorable Frank C. Kimball, Assistant Chairman (Asked if might come in and present report on Point IV)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Reported today instead of tomorrow, as the President will be away) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Thomas J. Lane, Massachusetts Congressman John E. Fogarty, Rhode Island (Asked if might talk to the President re employment situation)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Magee, of Kansas City, and family (In town for son's graduation from Georgetown, and asked if might come in with his family)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Mr. Ted Marks
Senator Estes Kefauver, Tennessee (Called Mr. Connelly May 23rd to ask for this)
Honorable Oscar L. Chapman, The Secretary of Interior (Fifteen minutes)
Senator Herbert H. Lehman, New York Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Minnesota Senator William Benton, Connecticut Senator Blair Moody, Michigan (Asked to come in to discuss the Immigration Bill)
Honorable James P. McGranery, The Attorney General
Mr. Paul Vincze, sculptor
The President left for the National Airport.
The USAF INDEPENDENCE departed for Missouri.
Arrived at Grandview and dropped off Mrs. Truman and Mrs. Wallace. The President then inspected the Airport at Grandview.
The USAF INDEPENDENCE departed for Springfield, Missouri
C.S.T. Arrived in Springfield, Missouri. Members of the party The President Hon. Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President. Hon. Joseph Short, Secretary to the President. Mrs. Short. Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to the President. Major General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President. Major General Wallace H. Graham, Physician to the President. Mr. Donald S. Dawson, Administrative Assistant. Mr. Jack Romagna, Official Stenographer. Secret Service Agents Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President will join party in Springfield.
PRESS SECTION Lv. MATS Terminal Washington....11:30 a.m. edt. (American Airlines DC-6) Ar. Springfield, Mo.............1:30 p.m. cst. aprox. Members of the party Mr. Robert H. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Merriman Smith~United Press Association Mr. Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Mr. Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star Mr. Anthony H. Leviero~The New York Times Mr. Jack Doherty~The New York Daily News Mr. Robert Ruth~The Baltimore Sun Mr. Robert H. Donovan~The New York Herald Tribune Mr. Jack Beal~Time-LIfe Magazine Mr. Laurence H. Burd~The Chicago Tribune Mr. Bryson Rash~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costell~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. Ray Scherer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. Hollis Seavey~Mutual Broadcasting System (return) Mr. B. H. Rollins~Associated Press Photos Mr. Milton Freier~United Press Photos Mr. George Skadding~Life Magazine Mr. Al Muto~International News Pictures (return) Mr. Peter Harris~INP Chicago (cover Springfield only) Mr. Alfred W. Simonson~N.B.C. Television Mr. John Hofen~N.B.C. Television Mr. James Lyons~Universal Newsreel (pool) Mr. Albert Schuster~Universal (pool-sound) Mr. Carroll S. Linkins~Western Union (return)
Mr. Dewey Long Mr. H. B. Colvin Mr. Robert A. Duffy Mr. Harry Charnley Post Office Inspector, Marlin Brown Secret Service Agents: Mr. Carl Dickson~Mr. Robert J. Newbrand Mr. Gerald A. Behn~Mr. Donald L. Nelson Mr. John E. Campion~Mr. John R. Ladas Mr. Carroll L. Honess~Mr. Carroll S. Pierce Mr. Rex W. Scouten~Mr. Jack C. Nielsen Mr. Floyd M. Boring~Mr. Arthur L. Godfrey Mr. Gerard B. McCann~Mr. John R. Sibert Mr. Robert H. Taylor~Mr. Leo Hobbs Mr. Adolph M. Downing~Mr. Walter Young Mr. D. B. Flohr~Mr. Reginald Hollenbeck American Airlines crew: Captain~Loyal T. Penn 1st Officer~John P. Jastrab Engineer~John P. Harris Stewardess~Pauline J. Kanable Stewardess~Abbie M. Anderson Mr. Herbert D. Ford~American Airlines Mr. Don Campbell~American Airlines Mr. Frank Burton~American Airlines USAF Independence crew: Colonel F. W. Williams~Commander Major Silas Minton~Pilot Captain E. P. Christensen~Navigator Mr. Eugene Lucas~Engineer M/Sgt. Fred J. Willard~Engineer M/Sgt. Frederick A. Winslow~Engineer M/Sgt. Gaylor E. Robinson~Radio M/Sgt. Robert E. Hughes~Steward Four guards
Motored to the Colonial Hotel.
The President attended a reception given by Mr. Lester Cox for the Chairmen of the various committees and their wives.
The President had dinner privately with Mr. Vivian Truman, Miss Mary Jane Truman, etc.
The President departed for the Shrine Mosque to attend a reception.
The President witnessed a Presidential Ball of the 35th Division. He also presented prizes to the square dance winners.
Departed hotel for breakfast at Shrine Mosque. Received Hillbilly Award.
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Breakfast of the 35th Division Association, Springfield, Missouri]
Attended 35th Division business meeting and memorial service.
The President visited General Truman's home.
The President marched the entire route of a parade, three miles and then reviewed the parade at its finishing point.
The President delivered a major address at the Shrine Auditorium.
[Public Papers: Address in Springfield at the 32d Reunion of the 35th Division Association]
C.S.T. The President departed Springfield via the USAF INDEPENDENCE for Washington, arriving at 6:15 p.m. D.S.T.
The President spent the morning at the White House.
The President motored to General Marshall's home in Leesburg, Virginia, and remained for the afternoon. In the evening the President went to the Union Station to see Miss Margaret off for New York.
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency on the Steel Strike]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia]
Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., The Secretary of the Army (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last Thursday to ask for this)
Senator Herbert H. Lehman, New York Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Minnesota Senator William Benton, Connecticut Senator Blair Moody, Michigan Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Senator from Washington Mr. Julius Edelstein (Asked if might come in and discuss Immigration Bill with the President)
Lt. General Henry Everest, USAF (Arranged at request of General Robert Landry; General Everest formerly commanded Fifth Airforce in Korea)
Dr. Raymond B. Allen, Director, Psychological Strategy Board (The President, as result of letter from Gordon Gray, directed Mr. Matthew Connelly to invite Dr. Allen in for talk)
H.E. Senor Don Fernando Berckemeyer, the Ambassador of Peru H.E. Senor Andres Dasso, the Finance Minister of Peru Honorable Edward Cale, Director of Regional American Affairs, Department of State (The Peruvian Ambassador asked for this, through Protocol, to discuss Tuna Fish problem. State Department suggested Mr. Cale sit in on this discussion, as he is expert on this particular subject)
Honorable Eric Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Butler (Mrs. Butler is Mr. Johnston's daughter, and he asked if might bring her and husband in to meet the President)
(Honorable Frank McKinney) (Usual weekly appointment) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left to go to the home of Associate Justice Hugo Black, for party for Supreme Court.)
(Mr. John Nangle, of St. Louis, and family) (Went through White House and came back to West Wing to shake hands with the President) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable and Mrs. Armwell L. Cooper of Kansas City Mrs. Robert Searle and daughter Dorothy (Senator Cooper wrote to the President in May saying he and his wife were bringing their widowed daughter, Mrs. Searle, and their granddaughter, East, and hoped they might see the President while in Washington)
Congressman Antonio M. Fernandez, New Mexico Congressman John J. Dempsey, New Mexico (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
Mr. Philip Schiff Dr. Michael Davis Dr. Dewey Anderson (Presented suggestions for social welfare platform in connection with Democratic National Convention)
Honorable G. Mennen Williams, Governor of Michigan Honorable Prentice Brown, former Senator from Michigan Senator Blair Moody, Michigan (The Governor phoned Mr. Connelly last week from Lansing, to ask for this)
General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
The President received the Medal and Certificate for Distinguished and Meritorious Service of the Regular Veterans Association. ("In appreciation of the splendid fight that you have made against world communism and the integrity and zeal with which you have conducted the affairs of the government".) DETTERER, Mr. Henry, Past National Commander, RVA GERSTENZANG, Mr. Louis C., Chairman, National Hospital Commission, RVA GIGLIOTTI, Dr. Frank B., National Commander, RVA GLASSNER, Mr. Richard, Member of the Judicial Advisory Commission, RVA JANELLI, Mr. Arthur Jack, National Director Rehabilitation, RVA KELLES, Col. James, Member of the National Defense Commission, RVA
[Public Papers: Special message to Congress on the Steel Strike]
[Public Papers: Memorandum Transmitting an Exchange of Correspondence Between the President and Senator Russell Regarding the Communist Prisoners Interned on Koje Island]
[Public Papers: Letter to Senator Russell on the Prison Camps on Koje Island]
Honorable Ben Scott Whaley, U. S. Attorney, S.C. Honorable Sam Wear, U. S. Attorney, Kansas City, Mo. (In town for Meeting and asked to come and shake hands with the President)