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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

October 17, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD (Jack Romagna)
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill To Authorize Payments for the Purchase of Automobiles by Certain Disabled Veterans]
(Mr. William Hillman) OFF THE RECORD
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable John L. Sullivan, former Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a group of Point 4 Agricultural Trainees: (This group here to study first-hand and get practical information about agricultural extension work in the United States) State Department representatives: ACHESON, Hon. Dean, Secretary of State MILLER, Hon. Edward G., Jr., Assistant Secretary BENNETT, Dr. Henry G., Director of Point 4 Program IVERSON, Mr. Kenneth, President, Institute of Inter-American Affairs HARDY, Benjamin, Information Officer for Point 4 Agriculture Department representatives: BRANNAN, Hon. Charles, Secretary of Agriculture ANDREWS, Mr. Stanley, Director, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations WILSON, Dr. M. L., Director, Extension Service STEIBELING, Dr. Hazel, Chief, Bureau of Human Nutrition CARDON, Dr. P. V., Administrator, Agricultural Research Administration BAILEY, Vernon T., interpreter and guide who introduced foreigners to the President POINT IV PARTICIPANTS: Bolivia Miss Elva Mercado, Extension Worker Jose Montalvo, Extension Worker Luis Ovando, C., Extension Worker Miss Nelly Pizarro A., Extension Worker Oscar Roca, Extension Worker Brazil Alencar de Tole de Barros, Extension Agent Ivan Turgueneff Cajueiro, Extension Agent Guido La Franchi, Extension Agent Beraldo Oscar Domingues Machado, Extension Agent Otto de Mello, Extension Agent Colombia Pedro Alacon Ch., Extension Worker Carlos Danies, Extension Worker Guillermo Garcia M., Extension Worker Alvaro Dominguez Costa Rica Edgar Mata Q., County Agent Superintendent Cuba Mario Cruz A., Chief, Inspection Section, Ministry of Agriculture Bladio Hernandez L., Provincial Agricultural Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture Osvaldo Riverel A., Provincial Agricultural Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture Ecuador Jaime Burbano R. Paulo E. Macias El Salvador Miss Maria Teresa Belloso, Ministry of Agriculture employee Ernesto Chacon, Extension Agent, Centro Nac. de Agronomia Jose Perez Guerra, Extension Agent, Centro Nac. de Agronomia Eduardo Montenegro, Asst. Head, Department of Extension, Centro Nac. de Agronomia Mexico Pedro Trujillo G. Dagoberto Aguilar V. Panama Guillermo Naranjo Roberto Castrellon Paraguay Heriberto Creggioni, Ministry of Agriculture employee Cesar Caceres, employee of STICA, Charge local Extension service training program. Peru Miss Gloria Castro Mario Barracco G. Enrique La Barthe, Extension Worker Enriquo Olivares C. Mauro E. Valdarrama S. Nicaragua Mercedez Chavez, Extension Worker Orlando Ortega, Extension Worker Claudio Perez, Extension Worker Juan Martinez Rojas, Extension Worker Venezuela Miss Blance Salvidia Hector Lopez L. Orlando Gil G.
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Point 4 Agricultural Trainees]
(Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Mr. Mize Peters) OFF THE RECORD
Senator William Benton, Connecticut (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Charles Irelan (Thanked the President for appointing him District Attorney for the District of Columbia.)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Asked Mr. Connelly last week to arrange this.)
General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
(Judge Samuel Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director of Central Intelligence Agency) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Honorable Delos Rentzel for Commerce; Honorable W. Averell Harriman absent; all others present. General George C. Marshall also present)
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Presenting to General Marshall the Chair He Had Used as Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense]
Honorable Eugenie Anderson, American Ambassador to Denmark (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (This was anniversary of Mr. Foley's completing 17 years in Government Service; asked if might see the President on this day, and he also had several matters to discuss)
Mr. Jack Kroll, Director, C.I.O - P.A.C. Mr. Arthur Goldberg, Counsel (Philip Murray asked that they be given this appointment)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nelson, President, Young Democratic Clubs of America Miss Jane Mahady, Vice President (Newly elected at recent meeting in St. Louis, and asked through Charles Van Devander at Committee, if might pay respects to the President)
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut (Called Mr. Connelly; asked if might see the President before going home.)
Honorable Myron Taylor
Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable John D. Clark Honorable Roy Blough (Arranged by Mr. Connelly)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Revenue Act of 1951]
(Mr. Hopkins) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) (General W. Bedell Smith) (Mr. James E. Lay) (The above gentlemen had their photograph taken with the President in his office.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Hopkins) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph Short) (Mr. William Hassett) (Mr. David Stowe) (Mr. Donald Dawson) (Mr. Perlmeter) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John F. Simmons, Chief, Divison of Protocol, Department of State) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (Called on Saturday morning and asked to come over for a few minutes Off Record.)
(Mr. George Elsey) (Mr. David Bell) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD (Came in to the office and asked to see the President Off Record for a half-hour.)
(Mr. Joseph Short) (Mr. Feeney) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. George Elsey) (Mr. Richard Neustadt)
(Mr. Hopkins) OFF THE RECORD
(The President returned to the Blair House for LUNCHEON with Mrs. Truman and some friends.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President accompanied Mrs. Truman to Constitution Hall where they attended an operetta.)
(The President remained at home in the Blair House for the entire day.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Amending the Taft-Hartley Act]
Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Recess Appointment of Philip C. Jessup to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations]
(Dr. John R. Steelman) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Democratic State Chairman, New York) (Called Mr. Connelly from New York last Friday and asked for this.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Neville J. McMillan) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMillan, of Grand View, Missouri) (Old friends of the President; came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off Record.)
The President received a group of Industrialists from Colombia, South America. This was requested through Protocol by the Ambassador of Colombia. These industrialists are in the United States at the International House of New Orleans: From the Colombian Embassy H.E. Dr. Ciprian Restrepo Jaramillo, Ambassador of Colombia Dr. Jorge Mejia Palacio, Minister Counselor Dr. Misael Pastrana, Minister Counselor Sr. Fernando Gaitan de Narvaez, First Secretary Industrialists from Colombia Sr. Jose Gutierrez Gomez, President of the National Association of Industrials Sr. Augusto Moreno, Manager of "Pepalfa" (Hose factory) Sr. Francisco Cardona, Director of "Siderurgical Enterprises" Dr. Jorge Botero, Director of "Cervecieria Union" (Colombia Brewers) Mr. Dario Londono, Banker-Director of the "Colombia Tobacco Company" (cigarettes' manufacturer) Mr. Alberto Saldarriaga, Manager of "Pintuco" (Paint factory) Mr. Alfredo Villegas, Superintendent of "Faricato" plant (cotton textile factory) Mr. Mauel Alvarez, Engineer of the "Fabricato" plant Mr. Jaime Gaviria, President of "Carvajal & Co." (paper plant) Mr. Mariano Ospina, Director of "Ospina Perez & Co." Construction, Real Estate Development and Builder. Elder son of former President of Colombia Mr. Fernando Londono, Industrialist Mr. Vicente Uribe, Managing Director of the Bank "Comercial Antioqueno" Mr. Jesus Mora, Director of Brewing firms, cement, sugar, etc. Mr. Carlos Guiterrez, Director, "Industrial Bank", Manager of South American Insusrance Company Mr. Jesus Pelaez, Direcotr of a Match factory "El Aguila" Mr. Jaime Moore, President of the "Morre Pipe Co." (clay pipes) Mr. Jorge Mejia, Director of the "Moore Pipe Factory" Mr. Alberto Lotero, Manager of "Alotero" (craft paper items) Mr. Felipe Echevarria, Director of "Bavaria" (Brewery) Mr. Francisco Gaviria, Manager of "Naviera Colombiana" (river transportation) Mr. Roberto Venegas, Manager of "Wheat Industries" (Flour mills) Mr. Francisco Jose Ocampo, Manager of the "Bank of Commerce" Mr. Arturo Garcia, Manager of Colombia Navigation Mr. Victor Ruiz Mora, Manager of Laboratories Lyr Mr. Herman Mejia, Director of "Textile Co. of Manizalez" Mr. Javier Obando, Asst. Manager of "Twine Industry Itd." Mr. Jaime Escobar, Manager of Manizalez Printing Co. Mr. Alfonso Jaramillo, Asst. Manager of Matches Poker Ltd. Mr. Guillermo Ocampo, Director of Industries Vencedor Ltd. (Shoe factory and luggage) Mr. Felix Correa, Director of the National Chocolate Co. Mr. Rafael Ramirez, Doctor and Industrialist Mr. Jorge Arango, Director of Textile Factory of the Andes Mr. A. Van Den Enden, Industrialist Mr. Justo L. Duran, Manager of "La Garantia" A. Dishington (Textile factory) Mr. Rafael Maya, Director of Sales for "Interamericana S. A." Mr. Humberto Munoz, Director of Mudoz River Transportation Mr. Mario Bermudez, Director, International Relations Mr. Gonzalo Mejia, Investor, Business Promoter, Director of the National Tobacco Co. Mr. Alberto Velez, Director of Public Service
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Industrialists From Colombia]
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable John D. Dunlap, Commissioner of Internal Revenue) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(LUNCH - The President went up to the Capitol for an "off the record" luncheon in Honorable Leslie Biffle's office. Mr. Biffle called on Saturday and invited the President to lunch with him and Congressional Leaders. The following were present:) The President The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn]~Senator Theodore Green Congressman Joseph W. Martin, Jr.,~Senator Wayne Morse Senator Ernest McFarland~Mr. Matthew Connelly Senator Brien McMahon~Mr. Leslie Biffle Senator Leverett Saltonstall Senator Robert S. Kerr Senator Lister Hill Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney Senator Richard Russell
The President attended a White House breifing session in Room 474, Old State Building.
Senator Lister Hill, Alabama
Senator Ernest McFarland, Majority Leader of the Senate
(Honorable Delos Rentzel, Under Secretary of Commerce) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Dr. Frank Graham) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged at direction of the President)
(Mr. William M. Boyle, Jr.) OFF THE RECORD (Recently retired as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee)
Honorable Melvin Hildreth (Called Mr. Connelly last week and said that he had now recovered from his emergency appendectomy and hoped he might have the appointment which had to be postponed because of the operation.)
(General Omar N.Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank C. Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (Called last week and asked for this.)
Mrs. India Edwards, Chairman, Woman's Division, Democratic National Committee (Called Mr. Conelly last week and asked for this.)
Senator Blair Moody, Michigan (Called Mr. Connelly last week; said it was urgent.)
The President presented the Harmon International Trophy to Colonel David C. Schilling, U.S.A.F. in recognition of Colonel Schilling's successfully accomplishing by means of inflight refueling the first non-stop trans-Atlantic jet aircraft flight. The following were present: ALDRIN, Colonel Edwin E.~KARTVELI, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. BACON, Colonel William~KERWOOD, Colonel Charles W. BACON, Mrs. William~KIMBALL, Sec. of Navy and Mrs. BROSNAHAN, Mary V.~KLIBBE, Major Frank BODE, Frederick W.~LOVETT, Hon. Robert A., BRUNO, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.~Secretary of Defense COCHRAN, Jacqueline~MacCRACKEN, William P. COMBIER, P. Hodges~McCRARY, Tex COMBIER, Mrs. P. Hodges~PACE, Hon. Frank C., Jr., DOOLITTLE, Lt. Gen. James H.~Secretary of the Army DUNHAM, Colonel William~PEALE, Mr. and Mrs. Mundy I. de SEVERSKY, Major Alexander P.~PHILPOTT, Group Captain M. G. de La GRANGE, Baron Amaury~RAMEY, Major Gen. Roger EGGER, Frank L.~RITCHIE, Lt. Col. Wm. D. ELLINGTON, Ken~RITCHIE, Mrs. William D. ELLINGTON, Mrs. Ken~ROYSTER, Mrs. Edward ENYART, William~SCANLON, Col. Martin F. GARDNER, Major Lester D.~SCANLON, Mrs. Martin F. SCHILLING, Col. and Mrs. David C. SCHILLING, Mrs. Margaret W. SCHILLING, John A. SCHINZ, Col. and Mrs. Albert W. SCHRAMEK, Mrs. and Mrs. William E. SPAATZ, General Carl A. STUART, Mr. and Mrs. Harold TALBERT, Col. and Mrs. Ansel E. VANDENBERG, Gen. and Mrs. Hoyt S. DUNHAM, Mrs. William KLIBBE, Mrs. Frank SCHILLING, Mrs. John TWINING, General and Mrs. Nathan ENYART, Mrs. William
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Presenting the Harmon International Trophy to Col. David C. Schilling]
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(The President gave a "stag" luncheon at the Blair House for His Excellency the Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh. The following guests were present:) The President H. E. The Prime Minister of Iran (Mohammed Mossadegh) H. E. The Ambassador of Iran (Nasrollah Entezam) The Secretary of State (Hon. Dean Acheson) The Secretary of Defense (Hon. Robert A. Lovett) Hon. Richard M. Bissell, Jr. Hon. George C. McGhee Hon. George W. Perkins Hon. John D. Hickerson Mr. Paul H. Nitze, Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State Lt. Colonel Vernon A. Walters, (interpreter)
Honorable D. W. Nyrop, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board Honorable Oswald Ryan, Vice Chairman Honorable Josh Lee Honorable Joseph P. Adams Honorable Chan Gurney (Mr. Connelly, at direction of the President, asked them to come in) One half hour
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD (Held today because of involvement of so many of members tomorrow in program of UN for Korean veterans.) One half hour
(The remainder of the afternoon left open for work on a speech.)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for Constitution Hall for the opening of the National Symphony.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Flood Rehabilitation Act]
[Public Papers: Proclamation 2950: Termination of the State of War With Germany]
(Mr. William Hillman) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James E. Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
(The President left for the Mayflower Hotel, where he "dropped in" on the Seventy-Second General Conference of the National Guard Association.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Remarks to the 73d General Conference of the National Guard Association]
Mr. Carl H. Claudy, Executive Secretary, the Masonic Service Association of the United States (Brought a gift to the President from the Masons of the Philippine Islands, which was left with Mr. Claudy by Antonio Gonzalez, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, when in Washington recently.)
Honorable Maple T. Harl, Chairman, F.D.I.C Honorable Preston Delano, Director Honorable H. Earl Cook, Director (Mr. Harl asked Mr. Connelly if he might bring his Board in to see the President.)
Honorable Jerome Fox, Democratic State Chairman, Wisconsin (Asked for this through Democratic National Committee)
Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire Mr. Earl Gammons (Admiral McIntire asked for this by calling Mr. Connelly last week.)
H.E. Mauricio Nabuce [Nabuco], the Brazilian Ambassador (Leaving his post and asked to see the President before returning to Brazil.)
(The President participated in the cornerstone laying ceremony of the new Red Cross Workshop, D. C. Chapter Building, American National Red Cross.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Address at the Cornerstone Laying of the District of Columbia Red Cross Building]
The President received a group of United Nations Veterans from the fighting front in Korea, in connection with observance of United Nations Day. (The theme of UN Day in the United States this year is a tribute to the memory of members of the American and Allied armies of the UN command who died in the fight against aggression in Korea. The Defense Department has flown to this country from the Korean front a group of UN veterans representing the various nations participating in Korean War on side of United States. These veterans will be taken on a tour of the United States.) Veterans from Korea Australia: Sgt. Allen Carmichael (Army) Acting Petty Officer Reginald Bairstow (Navy) Flight Sergeant Keith R. Meggs (Air Force) Belgium: Cpl. Charles Coremans (Army) First Sgt. Maj. Jack M. Lochs Canada: Cpl. John Roy (Army) Petty Officer 1/c Thomas A. Dawo (Navy) Colombia: Pvt. Oscar Ramiroz (Army) Seaman 2/c Francisco M. Guzman (Navy) Ethiopia: Sgt. Maj. Mamoushet Goshimo (Army) Sgt. Molla Kebede France: Cpl. James Guy (Army) M. Sgt. Gerard Garcot Greece: Pvt. Gorgios Mortis (Army) Maj. Andrei Gorrenko (Air Force) India: Sgt. Muthu Krichn (Medical non-combatant) Pvt. Jhushal Voth Luxembourg: Pvt. Paul Saverfeld (Army) WO Walter Steffen Netherlands: Pvt. Hendrik Baggerman (Army) Seaman 1/c John Koldyk (Navy) New Zealand: John Kirkland (Army) Keith I. Knight (Navy) Norway: Pvt. Steinar Janssen (Medical non-combatant) Pvt. Carl E. Petersen Philippine Islands: S.Sgt. Celerino Mabao (Army) Cpl. Sotero G. Regaspi Republic of Korea: T.Sgt. Yoon Chi Hyun (Army) Kim Chun Sea (Navy) QM Second Class Capt. Kin Sung Yong (Air Force) South Africa: Johann P. D. Blaauw (Lt. Col. Commandant) Flight Sergeant Hindon T. Pretorius Thailand: Prasert Ruchchon (Army) Chuch Haridhi, Stoker 1/c (Navy) Turkey: Sgt. Ziya Buras Naci Altiner, Turkish Brigade United Kingdom: Reginald A. Orton (Army Sgt.) Petty Officer Francis Moss (Navy) Sgt. Peter A. Weston (Air Force) United States: M/Sgt. Anthony Herbert (Army)(Regular Army) M/Sgt. John W. Snyder (Army)(Enlisted Reserve) Hospital Corpsman Lloyd Floyd Moore (Navy) Aviation Electronics Man 2/C Joseph Paul Neithercut (Navy) Capt. Richard A. Baldwin (Air Force) Tech. Sgt. Richard Justiss (Air Force) Sgt. Buddy Lee Burris (Marine Corps) M/Sgt. Rosslyn Manning (Marine Corps) Local Veterans Organizations AMVETS: Eva E. Manchester John W. Murphy Alice Garvin Rufus H. Wilson Leroy Newhouse Veterans of Foreign Wars: Martin Bryant Robert F. Sutphin Charles M. O'Malley Albert J. Novak Nicanoc P. Donesa Howard Elms Disabled American Veterans: Earl Hendricks Frederick Costigan Albert C. Allen Donald H. Dunn Jewish War Veterans: David Greenberg Louis Kriegsfeld Dr. Frank Giglotti Jerome Jacobs American Legion: William J. Holliman Gail Judd Herbert Jacobi Catholic War Veterans: Martin A. Cook Cecil A. Sorrell E. J. Peters Defense Department Officials: Mr. Clayton Fritchey, Director, Office of Public Information LCDR T. M. Wannamaker, Chief, Special Events Branch, OPI, OSD Major J. G. Dunton, OPI, OSD Captain R. D. Lowe, OPI, OSD LCDR L. W. Frawley, OPI, OSD Lt. D. Mullen, OPI, OSD Escorts: Lt. Col. Alexander Smith, USA Lt. Col. Ernest Smith, USAF LCDR Noma R. Brice, USN Captain Peter Radigan, USA Lt. Robert Harvey, USN Lt. Jim Black, USAF M.Sgt. Lyman Danner, USA HMC David A. Johnson, USN S.Sgt. Daleh Jastram, USAF T.Sgt. Willard Odegard, USMC Lt. J. Q. Dillingham, USAF Lt. I. N. Sherman U.N. Representatives: Mr. Arthur Sweetser Mr. Brian Meredith Mr. Robert Kenney Photographers - Office of the Secretary of Defense: M.Sgt. James A Trehearne, USAF PH1 Robert L. Knudsen, USN State Department Newsmen: Joseph W. Berger Calvin Dickie William Strassburg Diplomatic Corps Representatives: Australia: Colonel McCadie Canada: Sgt. P. A. Cyr Colombia: Major Uribe, Air Attache Korea: Commandant Sihak Hyun New Zealand: Squadron Leader McWhinnie, Air Mission Norway: Colonel Sterre Refum Turkey: Mr. Refik Ileri United Kingdom: Cpl. K. H. Green, British Army Staff Belgium: Count Yvan DuMonceau Ethiopia: Mr. Abate Agede, 3rd Secretary France: Colonel Roger Leguay, Assistant Military Attache India: Wing Commander Varma Netherlands: Sgt. Major DeVroon South Africa: Commandant S. L. Bosch, Air Attache Thailand: Mr. C. Prabha Also the following: Philip Schiff, Vice Chairman, National Citizens Committee for United Nations Day Francis H. Russell, Director, Office of Public Affairs, State Dept.
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of United Nations Veterans From the Fighting Front in Korea]
The following presented the Colombian flag, which flew over the Frigate Almirante Padilla, which participated in the battles off Korea: Seaman 2nd Class Francisco Cuzman Private Oscar Ramirer Escort Martin A. Cook C.A.F. Major Carlos Uribe (interpreter)
Honorable Henry G. Bennett, Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration (One half hour)
(Honorable George Killion) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD