Exterior view of diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer and his family and dogs seated to his left. Seated left to right are Thayer's step-daughter Diana Cochrane, his wife Cynthia Thayer and his son James (Jimmy). Identified as Easter, 1957, at Laubau the family home in Bavaria.
Exterior view of James (Jimmy) D. Thayer seated next to his step-sister Diana Cochrane. James is the son of Charles W. and Cynthia Thayer and Diana is Cynthia's daughter. Photograph taken at Easter, 1957, at Laubau, the family's home in Bavaria.
Exterior view of James (Jimmy) D. Thayer, son of diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer and his wife Cynthia, with his dog. Identified as Easter, 1957, at Laubau, the Thayer home in Bavaria.
Exterior view of James (Jimmy) D. Thayer, son of Charles and Cynthia Thayer, as a small child posed with a dog and unidentified woman, possibly a maid.
Faded color exterior view of James (Jimmy) D. Thayer, son of Charles and Cynthia Thayer, as a small child posed with a dog and unidentified woman. Location unknown.