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Thayer, Charles Wheeler, 1910-1969

Charles W. Thayer in Group of Men in Panel

Interior view of panel which includes diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer standing second from the right. Name plaques on the table in front of two of the men read L. [Lloyd] A. Lehrbas, second from the left, and G.[George] V. Allen, third from the left. Other two men at each end of the table are not identified. Photograph may be associated with Mr. Thayer's broadcasting assignment with Voice of America.

Charles W. Thayer and Ambassador James B. Conant

Interior view, unknown German location (Munich?) with United States Ambassador to Germany James Conant, fourth from the left, and diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer, third from the left. Conant was U.S. High Commissioner and Ambassador to Germany from 1953-1957. From 1949-1953, Thayer was political liaison officer for the U.S. High Commissioner and later consul general in Munich. Others in photograph not identified.

Charles W. Thayer in Uniform

Exterior view of diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer in military uniform on the left. He is standing with an unidentified uniformed woman next to him and an unidentified man in a suit on the right. A military airplane is visible in the background. Location not given. World War II era photograph, similar to others in the collection that are dated April, 1945.