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Thayer, Charles Wheeler, 1910-1969

W. Averell Harriman and Charles Thayer With Group During Russian Trip

Exterior view of a group of men and women standing with W. Averell Harriman in the center of the front row and Charles W. Thayer on the left behind Harriman. Taken on Harriman's 1959 Russian trip, exact location not given and others in view unidentified. Charles W. Thayer accompanied W. Averell Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

W. Averell Harriman During Russian Trip

Exterior view of a group of men standing on a stairway, exact location not given. W. Averell Harriman can be seen on the left and it is believed that Charles W. Thayer is behind him in view wearing a hat. Charles W. Thayer accompanied W. Averell Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Mr. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA). Trip visits included Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Yalta, etc., as well as areas in Siberia and the Urals, and ended with a meeting with Nikita Khrushchev.

Charles W. Thayer Posed by Tent in Mongolia

Exterior view with diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer in suit posed with unidentified Mongolian in front of a tent located somewhere in Mongolia. Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum. Thayer states the group travelled through the provinces more than 1000 kilometers by bus and jeep and another 600 kilometers by air.

Charles Thayer and Monks From Monastery

Exterior view which includes diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer wearing suit and standing in the center among a group of unidentified Buddhist monks. The location is the Gandantegchinlen Monastery located in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum.

Color Photo of Cape Buffalo Shot on Safari

View of (possibly) Charles Thayer standing by a cape buffalo recently shot while on safari near Juba in Sudan. Charles Thayer describes as "a cape buffalo shot by myself." Photograph taken as part of a trip author and diplomat Charles Thayer and his wife Cynthia took to Egypt and Sudan in 1961. Photos of the safari in Sudan intended for a possible magazine article. Original negatives are in the Harry S. Truman Library collection.

Color Photo of Charles W. Thayer With Mongolian Man

Interior view with author Charles W. Thayer on the right seen holding his jacket with a native Mongolian dressed in a del assisting him. Exact location in Mongolia not known. Diplomat and author Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum.

Charles Thayer Mounted on Mongolian Horse

Exterior view with diplomat and author Charles Thayer dressed in a white suit and seated on a Mongolian horse with two native men close by. Thayer describes as "on Gobi Desert - 6/26/63." Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum.