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Thayer, Charles Wheeler, 1910-1969

Young Men By Water Scene

Exterior view of what appears to be three men positioned by a body of water, either a river or lake. The young man on the right might be Charles Thayer although positive identification is not given. Photograph may have been taken while Charles Thayer was a student at West Point Military Academy, 1929-1933. Original negative in Library.

Charles Thayer Hunting Party Beside Deer

Exterior view which contains diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer on the left and an unidentified hunting guide on the right. The men appear to be dressed in traditional hunting apparel and are thought to be hunting in the Bavarian area of Germany. The shot deer is located in front of Thayer and the hunting dog is on the ground to the right. Both Charles Thayer and his wife Cynthia were fond of hunting in European settings, especially in Germany.

Charles and Cynthia Thayer on Hunting Expedition

Charles Thayer is seen on the left and his wife Cynthia on the right. They are both participating in a hunting trip thought to have taken place in the Bavarian region of Germany. They are standing by what appears to be a small wooden shrine with a deer head visible at the bottom of the structure. Both are dressed in traditional hunting garb and were known to be fond of hunting in European settings, especially in Germany.

W. Averell Harriman Meeting With Nikita Khrushchev During 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Interior view taken in a room at the Kremlin in Moscow. At this time, W. Averell Harriman and Nikita Khrushchev are preparing for their formal interview. Khrushchev is on the left and beside him is Yuri Zhukov. Harriman is seated on the right with Charles Thayer beside him. The back of the interpreter, Mr. Oleg Trianovski, is in the middle. Thayer in his written account described Khrushchev thus: "Mr. Khrushchev was wearing a grey, baggy suit with two orders of Lenin on his left breast and one order on his right. He had a grey and red polka dot tie and large red cufflinks.

W. Averell Harriman Meeting With Nikita Khrushchev During 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Interior view taken in a room at the Kremlin in Moscow. At this time, W. Averell Harriman and Nikita Khrushchev are preparing for their formal interview. Khrushchev is on the left and beside him is Yuri Zhukov. Harriman is seated on the right with Charles Thayer beside him. The back of the interpreter, Mr. Oleg Trianovski, is in the middle. Thayer in his written account described Khrushchev thus: "Mr. Khrushchev was wearing a grey, baggy suit with two orders of Lenin on his left breast and one order on his right. He had a grey and red polka dot tie and large red cufflinks.