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Taylor, Maxwell D. (Maxwell Davenport), 1901-1987

Mrs. Rosenberg Receiving Scroll for Appreciation for Services

Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense, bids farewell to top members of the Army in the Pentagon after being presented with the scroll for Appreciation for Services rendered. Left to right: Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Under Secretary of the Army Earl D. Johnson, Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of the Army Fred Korth, General J. Lawton Collins, General Maxwell D. Taylor, and Lieutenant General A.C. McAuliffe.

Promotion Ceremony for Lieutenant Colonel Galloway

Office of the Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, scene of a promotion and swearing in ceremony for Lieutenant Colonel Irene Galloway, new director of the Women's Army Corps. Attending the ceremony were, from left to right: Secretary Pace, Colonel Galloway, Assistant Secretary of Defense Anna Rosenberg, Colonel Mary A. Hallaren, Lieutenant General Anthony C. McAuliffe, Assistant Secretary of the Army Fred Korth, and Lieutenant General Maxwell D. Taylor.

Army Members Meet with Frank Pace

In this photograph, high ranking Department of Army members, Commanding Generals of six Stateside Army Areas, and other field commanders, meet with Secretary of the Army, Frank Pace and General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army at the Pentagon. Front row, left to right: Lieutenant General Maxwell D. Taylor; Lieutenant General Joseph M. Swing; General John R. Hodge; General J. Lawton Collins; Secretary Frank Pace; General John E. Hull; General Edward H. Brooks; Lieutenant General William M. Hoge; Lieutenant General John W. O'Daniel.