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Taft, Robert A. (Robert Alphonso), 1889-1953

Political Cartoon, "He'll Fight to Finish!"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by John M. Baer. The cartoon depicts Harry S. Truman in boxing ring just haven beaten "Wood Bill" being carried on stretcher by Charles Halleck and Joseph Martin, Truman saying "That's Only The First Round!" Robert Taft is on the sidelines with "Taft-Donnell-Smith Bill" saying to the bill, "You're Next! Climb In There And Sock The Champ!!" Artists' signature bottom left corner, along with "Ring Side!" Inscribed bottom right corner, "To Hon. Harry S. Truman- a true friend of workers John M. Baer In 'Labor'".

Stereograph of Robert Taft standing next to and easel

Stereograph of Senator Robert Taft standing next to an easel with a card "Our Motto: No Nation can be truly great that hath not some child like in its life of every day. It should its youth renew with simple joys that sweetly recreate the jaded mind." From; Lowell Mason's Stereographic Library, Annual Baseball Outing, Volumes I and II. Photographs are of Baseball, Clam and Chowder Club of the United States Senate, of which Harry S. Truman was a member.

Cartoon from Mexico - Bemyce

This political cartoon from Mexico shows a boxing match with President Harry S. Truman in one corner and five men in the other. The men's robes are labeled (Arthur) Vandenberg, (Harold) Stassen, (Thomas E.) Dewey, (Robert) Taft, and (Joseph) Martin. The referee in the center of the ring is pointing to Truman.

Truman Addresses Joint Session of Congress

President Harry S. Truman speaks to a joint session of Congress regarding wage and price controls. Seated front row, left to right: Senator Elmer Thomas; Senator Claude Pepper; Senator George Aiken; Senator Elbert Thomas; Senator Homer Capehart; Senator Bourke Hickenlooper; Senator Homer Ferguson; Senator Clyde Reed; Senator Kenneth Wherry; Senator Robert Taft; Senator Alben Barkley; Senator Wallace White; Secretary of State George Marshall; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Attorney General Tom Clark; Postmaster General Robert E.