Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988
Postmaster General Robert Hannegan (second from right) and his party pose for a picture
Robert Hannegan and Stuart Symington at a Dinner
Robert E. Hannegan (left) and Stuart Symington at a dinner of the Knights of the Cauliflower Ear celebrating the appointment of Mr. Hannegan as Internal Revenue Service Commissioner. They are at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
John L. Sullivan being sworn in as Secretary of the Navy
John L. Sullivan, Under Secretary of the Navy, is sworn in as Secretary of the Navy by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson. Witnessing the ceremony are left to right: W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; Kenneth C. Royall, Secretary of the Army, and James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense.
Stuart Symington shown taking the oath of office as Secretary of the Air Force
Portrait of W. Stuart Symington
President Harry S. Truman presenting Medal of Merit to top officials
President Harry S. Truman (middle, third from the right) presenting Medal of Merit to top officials. Standing with President Truman are (from left to right) W. John Kenney, Under-Secretary of Navy; W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense; and John L. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy. Standing in the back row are Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug (third from the right); Secretary of State George Marshall (second from the right); and Admiral William D. Leahy (right).
President Truman presenting Medal of Merit to top officials
James Forrestal is sworn in as Secretary of Defense
James Forrestal is sworn in as Secretary of Defense by Chief Justice Fred Vinson, while the top ranking civilian officials and military personnel witness the ceremony. Left to right are General Dwight D. Eisenhower, John L. Sullivan, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Senator Stuart Symington, Major General Alfred M. Gruenther, and Thomas J. Hargrave.