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Strickler, Daniel Bursk, 1897-

Frank Pace with Others at Camp Atterbury

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (near center, with fur cap) stands in the snow with a group of Army officers during a tour of the 28th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury in Indiana. Also present is General Mark Clark, Chief of Army Field Forces (third from right) and Major General Daniel Strickler, Commanding General of the 28th Infantry (far left). All other soldiers and officers are unidentified.

Frank Pace on a Tour at Camp Atterbury

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace and a group of Army officers on a tour of the 28th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury in Indiana. From left to right (front row): unidentified, General Mark Clark, Secretary Pace; Lieutenant General Stephen J. Chamberlin (directly behind and right of Secretary Pace); unidentified solider (in helmet); and Major General Daniel B. Strickler. All other soldiers and officers are unidentified.

Frank Pace at Camp Atterbury

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace watches combat exercises while on a tour of the 28th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury in Indiana. From left to right: Major General Daniel B. Strickler, Secretary Pace, and General Mark Clark. Lieutenant General Stephen J. Chamberlin is in the second row behind General Clark (face partially obscured). All others are unidentified.