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Ankers, Washington (D.C .)

National Judging Committee For Veterans of Foreign Wars

The National Judging Committee for the Veterans of Foreign Wars "Big Search" to find the veteran to be awarded the free farm in the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project area of Washington State. From the left to right: Roger Fleming, National Legislative Director, American Farm Bureau; M. L. Wilson, National Director of Extension Work, Department of Agriculture; Herschel D. Newsom, Master of National Grange; Dr. William T. Spanton, Chief of Agricultural Education Service, Federal Security Agency; Dillard Lasseter, Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture.

The Four Aces

The singing quartet The Four Aces and others on the steps of the Department of the Interior building. Left to right: Herb Kessler; Dave Mahoney; Lou Silvestri; Al Alberts; Rosario "Sod" Vaccaro; Allan Zee; unidentified man; and unidentified woman.